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View Full Version : Dizzy head turns

fed up with it
23-06-06, 19:52
Can any one tell me what this was i experienced yesterday, i laid back on the sofa as i had a stomach bug, and my head had a dropped feeling back into the pillow abit, i felt my head swimmy/dizzy then my eyes felt funny and then it went it lasted a few seconds, what was it i asked the doctor when i went about my stomach bug but he didnt seem bothered can it be related to the neck?


23-06-06, 23:54
I get this from time to time if I swing my head about too suddenly too.

I know that dizziness can be affected by how tight we hold our neck muscles - could you look into doing some gentle stretching of the muscles there to see if that helps.

Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

27-06-06, 17:59
I often go suddenly dizzy like this usually for no apparent reason even if I'm not anxious. It doesn't last long but it puts you out of kilter and scares you.


27-06-06, 18:28
I too often go dizzy although I am not sure why. It's one of the worst symptoms of anxiety for me, really scarey.
Hope you feel better soon:D

Take care



27-06-06, 21:26
Hi, I've posted so many times re dizziness but this is what i have found. i have suffered with vertigo for 20 years and the best thing i did was see a balance therapist who helped me enormously. He gave me exercises to release tension neck and shoulders, tension here restricts blood flow to balance meachanism in the ears, and then some exercises to help my brain adapt to feeling dizzy and that way the dizziness was no longer a problem. It has helped me enormously.

Take care

'This too will pass'

27-06-06, 21:52
Hi, I get this dizzy feeling too, have done so in bed, although not often, but I do get this when I look down sometimes, when I am in the Post Office and at Cashpoints!!