View Full Version : Going away tomorrow for weekend and feeling anxious!

01-03-12, 10:31
This week I've been off work and my anxiety seems to have hit a high, I had a panic attack yesterday while out. Today I'm having my hair done and even tho it's being done in my own house I'm still anxious. Tomorrow am going away for the weekend with family but I feel to anxious to even look forward to it. I just feel low. X

01-03-12, 11:29
Sorry you are feeling low.
are you anxious about anything specific? Is it the family, or the prospect of going away? Do your family know how you feel?

01-03-12, 12:06
When I'm feeling like this about something I have planned, I find it helpful to think ahead to how good I'll feel when I do it and how proud of myself I'll be. I try to keep in mind that every time I don't let the panic stop me, I'm taking one more step towards recovery.

This bit is going to sound like a nightmare, but give it a try: be glad that you're anxious and actually encourage it because it's a good opportunity to get over your anxiety issues. It's all good and well doing something when we're feeling up to it, but doing something that scares us is where the real steps to getting better lie. Weirdly, the more you just accept the anxiety, the less impact it has.

Just think, once this weekend is over, you'll be posting your success story in here, so proud of yourself and helping give others hope too.

01-03-12, 18:54
have a great time hayley, and relax, you can let us kw how it goes :hugs:

01-03-12, 18:58
Relax, and enjoy your weekend. Have fun.:D

01-03-12, 20:09
Take a comfort bag with you of thingsto help you if you panic, like plenty of magazines and puzzle books, and dvd's, music etc.

Hope you have a great time:hugs: