View Full Version : does anyone else suffer with this?

01-03-12, 11:35
Just wondering if anybody else sometimes feel as if they cant get a big deep breath or is it just me its so annoying sometimes:unsure:

01-03-12, 15:25
Hi.....i get this, quite alot actually! It is annoying and it does sometimes scare me that im not going to catch my breathe.....but as ive had it for a long time now, im guessing just another one of those anxiety symptoms that likes to rear its awful head!!

Take care :)
Debs x

01-03-12, 16:07
Thanks for your reply it my worst anxiety symptom i think if i didnt get this i wouldnt be as bad stupid anxiety eh!!!

01-03-12, 16:32
I get that and it's a very frustrating feeling. I feel it only happens when I'm thinking about it. As soon as I stop thinking about it, it goes away and I can breathe normally again. I also find it helps if you breath in really slowly and totally fill your lungs that way and then breathe out.