View Full Version : mistaking actual health problems for anxiety

01-03-12, 17:12
hi guys. don't want to increase anyone's health anxiety with this post - just wanted to advise that it is always worth getting new symptoms checked because twice now - i have had symptoms that i have spent a couple of weeks getting cross with myself for having (because i have been convinced they were stress symptoms) only for them to turn out to be actual health problems.

the first was an overactive thyroid a few years ago - the symptoms of which i kept trying to "accept and float through" only for them to get worse! and this week - after two weeks of sore/dry mouth, really tight throat, feeling cold, being extremely stressed/irritable and having increased anxiety - i have today been diagnosed (from a blood test) as being anemic which can cause all these symptoms.

i am now going to take the approach that if any symptoms do not go/radically improve after a few weeks of acceptance - that i will get them checked out clinically.

this is my main bug bear regarding anxiety - not knowing if symptoms have an actual physical or emotional cause!!!!:mad:

01-03-12, 17:17
That is a totally rational and 'normal way' of looking at it and I totally agree. It is really hard to work out what is HA and what is anxiety but people should always eventually get something checked out at the doctors if symptons persist or worsen and two weeks is a great bench mark. x

01-03-12, 17:30
I Get a mans health check up every six months, i do this to keep a check on my health, and to catch anything untoward early. My GP told me he wished more people done this, its worth doing and puts you at ease. it only takes a few minutes.

01-03-12, 17:30
Yes, I agree. We need to get used to being able to discern between something that does and does not warrant a doctor's appointment. What helps me is asking somebody without HA what they would do just for another perspective.

01-03-12, 17:40
agree with all the replies! the thing is - i was so proud of myself for NOT rushing to the doctors (used my c.b.t techniques!) immediately but now i think - i could have had treatment sooner. its just the uncertainty/not knowing that is so frustrating but my cbt counsellor explained anxiety as having an intolerance to uncertainty!

01-03-12, 18:03
I generally keep in mind that although my health anxiety is accountable for many symptoms, that does not make any of us immune to illness and genuine medical issues. this, i find is a very good thought to keep in mind when finding yourself a good doctor. a bad doctor will look at your file and say its HA without looking because law of averages says its most likely to be panic induced.. a good doctor will be aware of your HA, but check to make sure its anxiety related before dismissing an illness. i also had to fight with my doctors to get them to recognize my iron deficiency because they told me it was anxiety. at times like this, do your homework. if needs be, present them with your information and ask to be given reasons why this cant be the case, and learn their reasoning so you cant get it out of perspective in the future with the same worry. i always think its best to check with a doctor and then use logic as to the likelihood of illness. if i know that my mouth only blistered the morning after eating scolding hot pizza, i know its likely a burn and no call for a doctor. however, if i cannot find an easily accountable reason for my symptoms, i get them checked for peace of mind. its hard to be able to tell which of the two a symptom applies to, medical or anxiety induced, but sometimes we have to trust our gut when it comes to knowing when to take the doc on because you know theres genuine cause for concern, and when to take time out because our mind is playing games. that i guess, is the skill of overcoming the debilitating affects of Health Anxiety.