View Full Version : me again!!!!

24-06-06, 11:04
hi i am becoming a bit of a regular on here with all my problems- i think i am a drama queen!
my new ailment that i am worried about is my gums! i am convinced i have gum disease. does anyone else get this :

sore aching feeling at the top of your teeth

its not all the time just a couple of days here and there.

my top two front teeth also move if i press my finger hard against them and push out with my toungue i feel a click

thanks for reading x


24-06-06, 12:36
jlou i had gum disease a few years back, it makes your breath smell baaaaaaad, the gum receades, is red & tender & can feel like your teeth are loose. I went to the dentist & she put me on anti biotics & polished my gums & teeth & gave me a mouth wash to use for a week & that was sorted. But the gum stays receaded but doesnt get worse. She said i was a long way off the teeth falling out! But i was worried about that lol
Have the dentist take a look.
Good luck
Caz xxxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

24-06-06, 12:38
p.s its called trench mouth, and is contagious. Its called that after the soldiers in the war that used to get it apparently :)

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

24-06-06, 19:07
i get the pain in my gums and do think that our teeth as well as our bodies do get run down with this anxiety thing

see your dentist to confirm this and get it treated which it can be easily i think

i am going to as well just to keep them healthy
