View Full Version : Welcome back Vertigo...

01-03-12, 18:03
So since this morning i have been experiencing horrible vertigo.. but only when i lay down and while in bed i get it really bad even by the slightest movement :weep: for instance my partner switches from left to right and bam my head is spinning and I'm trying to snap out it is... its horrible has anyone had this? and does anyone know what it could be? I would really appreciate any information


sherylee xx
01-03-12, 18:18
Is vertigo where you just go like really faint and dizzy and feel abit weak like your gunna faint?? as i keep gettin that alot recently and its freakin me out :( i also get abit queezy with it and i get it whilst sittin down too :( is this similar to what you get?? Xx

01-03-12, 18:52
Yes to both of you! I suffer vertigo on and off and its horrid, the best things is to ride it out and try and move around so the ears can level themselves out, but sometimes it is just to awful to do that! It is horrid and I suffer quite often with it xx

01-03-12, 19:37
its truely awful...i wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy. I have it at the moment and have been in bed 8 days now. I have had it 25 years and i still get so scared when it comes.
I have Menieres and Eustachian Tube dysfunction but the problem is that it is also triggered by stress and anxiety. So its like a viscous circle.
my doc says its the most common symptom presented in a surgery.
You could be ill with a virus or just have some fluid build up in the ear. Could also be that some crystals in the inner ear just move about and unsettle your balance. Also poss build up of cattarh which can also cause it.
There are some tablets that may help in the short term...the ones used for sea sickness / motion sickness. I take Stemetil when its bad but dont take it for long as your brain cant compensate and gets too reliant on the drugs.

The previous writer was correct..its best to try move your head during dizzy spells as this re trains the brain and you recover quicker....I KNOW this is the last thing you feel like doing but i learnt the hard way and now have regular vestibular exercises to do. I always feel sick and dizzy when i do them so make sure you dont do them alone.

My sympathies to you...but try keep smiling..it will go away eventually.

Milllie xx:hugs:

01-03-12, 20:02
Thank you all for your answers! I will defiantly try and move when i next get it... it certainly has put me in a weird mood since this morning which is horrible..

do any of you get it by laying down or just turning over while in bed?

01-03-12, 22:16
I agree with everything Millie has just said! Yes it can be worse when lying down and I notice when it is back first thing, I dont even need to open my eyes I just turn over in bed and the spinning starts! I hate it! Especially when you try to walk and it feels like it is just pulling you to one side, but I try to make myself walk around to level it out, but it feels horrid. I have been told, and it does work to also lie down and lie on the side that is worse for 10 mins (it is horrid as everything spins) and then after 10 mins turn over and lie that way for 10 mins. Then slow stand up and that really helps to level it.


02-03-12, 03:22
Thank you all for your answers! I will defiantly try and move when i next get it... it certainly has put me in a weird mood since this morning which is horrible..