View Full Version : please read im very worrried i dunnno how long i can keep calm about it :(

sherylee xx
01-03-12, 18:22
hey guys me again, well over afew weeks now i have been gettin random pains all over my head (not headaches) but just lil pains also behind my eyes, and for about a week i keep gettin really faint and dizzy and my legs feel like they are shakin but on the inside and it feels like the ground is movin and i get it when im sittin down aswell its not just a slight feelin its really intense sometimes:( i also feel abit queezy with it too :( xx

01-03-12, 18:28
Hi there,
I can't tell you how many times I've felt this! I would get killer headaches as well, feel queezy the whole 9. I have found that (surprise!) the less I thought about it and tried to ignore it, it would get better.
Good luck to you!

01-03-12, 18:29
Hi Sherylee, I have been going through something similar. I have gotten the head pains for a while actually, I truly believe it is from tension, and also maybe sinuses. I have indoor allergies so when these play up, I notice it behind the eyes more and near my ears. But also truly feel it is tension/muscle tightness.

The last week I have had a lot of dizziness too. I was actually quite nervous about it, but my boyfriend suggested it was from tension in my shoulders, and I spoke with my brother-in-law who is a massage therapist, and said that it is very possible that shoulder tension can cause dizziness. Do you have shoulder tension as well?

My dizziness subsided after I rested my neck over the weekend, did not drive anywhere (because that makes my shoulders worse personally), and wasn't sitting at my desk at work. I took ibuprofin a lot and iced my shoulders. Also had my BF massage them. After about 4 days it has lessened dramatically.

Also it would be a good idea to make sure you drink plenty of water, as dehydration can also do this.

01-03-12, 18:54
trust me these are all anxiety! i can promise you this, i use this site: http://www.anxietycentre.com/anxiety-symptoms.shtml
it is very very helpful there is over a 100 different anxiety related symptoms on there and yours are there :)

sherylee xx
02-03-12, 18:11
aw thankyou all for replyin i feel much better about it and appreciate your advice :) (((((hugs))))) :) xx

macc noodle
02-03-12, 18:18
I am sure it is anxiety but you really should go and see the doctor to get a professional opinion.

Macc Noodle

02-03-12, 19:56
Hello sherylee. Totally agree with macc noodle. Sounds really like anxiety and the adrenalin pumping around your body. But maybe a Drs visit might give you some comfort. Good luck.

Darren :)