View Full Version : my fault?

24-06-06, 11:10
Hey guys,

My therapist says panic attacks are all in my head and that stopping them would be easy if I just concentrated. She says that I get them because I expect to get them, and I shouldn't get so worried about them. She told me that by the time I get back from my trip, which I am so terrified of, I should have convinced myself not to have them anymore.
Is she right? She acts like it's all my fault, and I can't tell. Is it my fault I get these, should I be able to just switch them off? Are they my fault, amI just weak or stupid or attention-seeking?
I'm really confused.

Katie x

"If I can wipe from any human cheek, a tear,
Convince one man that hope and heaven are near,
Create more joy, more hope, less pain,
And though not one shall know my name nor drop a flower on my grave,
I shall not have lived in vain while here."

24-06-06, 11:50
I think your therapist wants reporting! Panic/anxiety and depression are illnesses like flu they come and go - some people are more prone to it and some people will never suffer from it.
You know there are times when you don't feel low in the same way as there are times when you don't have sniffly nose. It's hard to concentrate on information when you aren't feeling great and anything people say can be made to feel like the biggest critism in the world. I do suggest the book everyone is harking on about Claire Weekes - Self Healing for Nerves - it discusses the symptons the causes and is a sympathic way to help yourself. Nothing is a quick fix or a switch on a off trick but you will slowly begin to feel good again and stronger.
Remember there are a lot of people here with the same problems if we could trip a switch in our heads we'd want to share it with the world.
Much love and kind thoughts

24-06-06, 16:00
It's because of idiots like that, that we need to build websites like this one ourselves.

Does this person think for one minute that anyone wants to go through this? My opionion of doctors and so called specialists is not very good at the best of times, but instead of saying "well I am not really sure on panic/anxiety maybe you could look for some other help" They come out with crap like that, making the person feel more lost and afraid.

Katie you take no notice of her, someone who has no idea apart from what she read in a medical book, "I don't feel like that or understand so no one else can feel like that, its all in there head". RUBBISH.

You stick around here and you will find out so much more than going back to her.

Take care



24-06-06, 16:24
Hyia Katie,

I agree with Ollie, no-one wants to have anxiety/panic !!!!
I don't know when mine started but I know I've had it a long time !!
I do class myself as a "recovered" anxiety/panic sufferer but still get the occasional wobble.
I wouldn't listen to your therapist. It's lots of advice, support and information you need, not someone who tells you it's your fault!!
Hope you find it here. Tara xxx

emma chant
24-06-06, 18:22
HI THERE ,just wanted to say it is not your fault you get panic attacks.
Your therapist is very wrong,don't listen to her.

e chant

24-06-06, 18:41
thanks guys, it means a lot to hear that SOMEONE doesn't think i'm crazy! i'm freaking out about a trip i have to go on, but i got prescribed some diazepam, so hopefully i'll be fine. it just makes me mad that she thinks I have a choice about whether or not these things happen to me when i would give anything in the world for them not to happen, to not be this way.

Love yall!!!

Katie xx

"If I can wipe from any human cheek, a tear,
Convince one man that hope and heaven are near,
Create more joy, more hope, less pain,
And though not one shall know my name nor drop a flower on my grave,
I shall not have lived in vain while here."

24-06-06, 19:32
Hi Katie, I am sorry your therapist isnt very understanding. It's not your fault that you get panic attacks and don't let them tell you and different hun.

Take care



24-06-06, 20:02
I think you should try and get another therapist. If you and your therapist do not 'click' then it will never work with them. She is wrong to say that it is your fault, Saying something like that won't do anything for your confidence. and that is what we all need.

Good Luck
Jenny xxxxxxxxx

24-06-06, 20:04

There are therapists and therapists, yours is not a therapist
