View Full Version : Not facing life

01-03-12, 19:40
Hey. I've not posted on here for a while. After an 8 year journey on Citalopram to control my anxiety, I was gradually weaned off them last year only to relapse completely. I was put back on them and suffered terrible side effects. Now I don't feel like they work anymore. I am anxious everyday and it's impacting badly upon my relationship. I've already tried a dose increase. What concerns me most is my complete avoidance about talking to my partner about complex issues. I seem to put anything in the way to avoid a conversation. I'm convinced this is anxiety related as there is no real reason for doing so. I'm seriously considering changing these meds, perhaps is my anxiety is a little more under control I can engage more and face a bit more of life. What does anyone think??

---------- Post added at 19:40 ---------- Previous post was at 19:16 ----------

please help!!!

01-03-12, 19:56
Is your partner understanding, if not I can see why it is difficult, if he is then you might just have to bite the bullet and spill, my partner is semi understanding but I had to tell him Sunday I was struggling with the panic attacks and yesterday I had to say I was back on the meds, we don't really talk about it but I keep him informed, that way I don't feel awkward if I have a freak out near him.

01-03-12, 20:29
he has been really supportive, but this avoidance that i keep doing is driving a wedge between us.
I think I need time to try a new med.....

01-03-12, 21:10
Hi Katie, I had the same thing with Citalopram. Was on it very happily for 3 years. decided to come off and after 3 months slipped right back, now struggling to get meds sorted out as Citalopram didn't work when I started taking it again. My counsellor said this is really common with SSRI's. Now trying Sertraline, and debating whether to abandon them after 4 weeks as have side effects and not much improvement. Very tricky. Might be worth you trying something else though. Give it 6 weeks minimum then if no better maybe think about switching.

With your partner, he will simply have to be understanding. If he loves you he won't want to lose you over this, and will bear with it.

---------- Post added at 21:10 ---------- Previous post was at 21:08 ----------

Also I just want to say that it's impossible to "face life" properly when we are trying to get sorted out on meds. Life feels like it's in limbo for a bit and it is really. Don't worry, you can make up for things when you're better, for now just concentrate on getting well again.

02-03-12, 09:20
thankyou ems, that helps a lot. I'm off to see my GP this morning, hopefully trying to get this med thing sorted.x

02-03-12, 09:21
thankyou ems, that helps a lot. I'm off to see my GP this morning, hopefully trying to get this med thing sorted.x

02-03-12, 09:27
Hi when i started on cit again they didn't work for me second time around yet the first time they were great gave me my life back but this time oh my life i had awful side effects and stuck with them from sept till 2 weeks ago in the hope they would kick in but ive now been changed to mirtazapine, i was also told that a med doesn't always work well second time around and ive read it alot on here with others! good luck at the docs xx

02-03-12, 09:30
Good Luck Katie and great advice Ems - thanks for that - Laura x

04-03-12, 11:10
ok dudes, Been to see the doc and have got changed over to fluoxitine. All seems to be ok so far, good day yesterday but feeling a bit low today. I guess they are gonna take time!