View Full Version : Water, water.

01-03-12, 19:17
As a Paramedic, I can tell you water plays a vital role in bodies function. yet we dont seem to drink enough of it. Two liters a day is recommended, not all in one go i add, Not enough daily intake of water , can cause, palpitations and heart flutter, as dehydration upsets the Ph balance in the blood, Drink plenty of water, a banana a day which is good for potassium and energy, and oily fish two or three times a week. So please drink plenty of water. Good Luck All :shades:

01-03-12, 19:58
I need to start on water, my crutch for panic attacks is a bottle of diet coke, I drink about three litres a day, I need to switch this for water, the coke has just become a security thing, a coping mechanism just like a security blanket.

01-03-12, 20:08
Ive cut my caffeine down to one brew a day,and havent had any flutters since my meds have kicked in too....but i really need to drink more water & oily fish.....i already eat bananas coz i love them

01-03-12, 20:17
i used to drink upwards of 4 litres a day of pepsi max overdosed on caffeine, my psychiatrist said i had to cut down cos i was too high from it, now i drink 2 or 3 small cans of pepsi during the day but try not to after 6pm or i wont sleep, i actually look forward to drinking my pepsi, sounds mad dont know why, its just one of my few pleasures!!

01-03-12, 20:27
Im a water man , and lots of it , decaf only , but sadly a smoker , and the nicotine effect does affect my anxiety

01-03-12, 20:32
Well I am going to make an effort to cut down, I try to get caffeine free but not many places sell it

01-03-12, 20:36
4 pints of water a day , 2 or 3 coffee and 2 or 3 tea , dont smoke but do partake in alcohol but not in the last 3 weeks , cutting down :yesyes:

01-03-12, 20:38
I gave up smoking three months ago, have been craving loads since Sunday as my anxiety returned, not had a cig but now back on the meds.

01-03-12, 21:02
I try not to drink diet coke now as doctor said caffeine is bad for anxiety, it's very addictive I haven't had any for 2 weeks but still really craving it. Definitely need to drink more water. Are fish oil capsules OK to take with SSRIs?

01-03-12, 21:38
i go through phases of drinking water but get bored i like my diet coke too much ive never smoked which is good but i do like a drink

blue moon
01-03-12, 22:58
I drink in morning warm water with lemon,it help clean out the bowels,I drink 8 big glasses water throughout day,plus electrolyte drink,also I have coffee.
Petra x

02-03-12, 11:02
If you really can't go without, you can buy caffeine-free Coke now...

02-03-12, 11:12
caffeine free can be hard to find, but isn't it funny how many of us have coke habits (of the fizzy variety, lol)

05-03-12, 19:20
Just out of interest I take it you are a para in Ireland. Do you know if UK paras qualify as advanced paras in Ireland? I heard that if you have a degree you become Advanced otherwise your standard.

05-03-12, 20:32
I hate water.

05-03-12, 20:39
Just out of interest I take it you are a para in Ireland. Do you know if UK paras qualify as advanced paras in Ireland? I heard that if you have a degree you become Advanced otherwise your standard. No you dont Qualify as an AP have to sit PHECC exam,