View Full Version : Extreme tiredness......

01-03-12, 20:32
This tiredness has been extreme for about a month now.

It is with me most of the day but really hits hard around 2pm and just doesn't leave until the next morning. It is such a heavy heavy feeling in my head and physically I feel like I will drop if I don't stop!
If I manage the shops I am sooooooooo exhausted and this heavy feeling in my head is just unbearable! I don't sleep during the day but probably could.

I also get so unsteady and have to hold on to things to stop me falling...

So worried about what it may be :(

I had blood tests a few months ago which all came back ok, cant get the word cancer out my head :(

The annoying thing is my anxiety is so much better now and what used to make me anxious about going out is better now so I am so concerned as to what this tiredness could be :(

01-03-12, 20:35
Maybe it's just your bodies way of recovering. Anxiety is exhausting...friends of mine with similar probs say about the extreme tiredness. Are you sleeping properly?

01-03-12, 20:44
Thanks Katie!

Yeah my sleeping is fine, 8 hours a night and eating fine.

Just so worried as over all the years of suffering with anxiety nothing quite like this tiredness! I am also so weak and even now I know I could face the shops but physically I am too tired :(

Soooooooooooooo frustrating...

01-03-12, 20:46
I am exactly the same, I go around down in a daze with my eye feeling so heavy and feel I could sleep.

I fall asleep every afternoon as I am exhausted. My thyroid is currently under investigation but I've had this tiredness for ages now, my previous blood test was normal

01-03-12, 20:50
I have periods where I feel I could sleep from exhaustion but don't (too many thoughts) and it feels like a never ending cycle. It's great you're getting 8 hours. Does your brain just need to 'switch off' if you know what I mean?
Whenever I've had bloods done they've come back normal........it must just be a symptom of the anxiety....and worrying about it only makes it worse!

01-03-12, 21:02
Thanks guys!!

And Katie yeah I know the brain needs to switch off feeling!... I think that is the reason I couldn't sleep too! (just cant switch off! :( )

I am so so fed up with this & my docs on holiday till next week so on Monday I will try and get to see her as I cant believe this is anxiety anymore :(

02-03-12, 09:23
Sorry about this.... I guess I'm searching for some more reassurance :wacko:

But what I was thinking is if it was some sort of cancer wouldn't I have some other symptoms? Like be in a lot of pain?

I actually feel ok apart from this extreme tiredness and the weakness and unsteadiness it brings!

Hate this tiredness :weep:

02-03-12, 09:34
Hey, I'm sure it's all anxiety. The weakness, tiredness, jelly-like feeling are all familiar to me! I'm sure there would be so many more symptoms if it was anything else, and it would show on your bloods. x

02-03-12, 09:41
HazyMind, I can relate to this extreme exhaustion. I have been like it the last week and get it often, and have done my whole life. I could almost cry because I am so tried...I have to force myself to physically keep moving other wise I feel like I could just drop and sleep non-stop, it is as if I don't have the energy to move another step AND it is always worse early afternoon just like you ! Anxiety and stress are exhausting (mine is currently from being anxious about some family problems, trying to do too much and not sleeping as much as I need) I do get some nights of 8 hours sleep, but at the moment I think I need some nights of 10 hours sleep to catch up. I think your exhaustion will be from anxiety to be honest, why don't you try a few long nights of sleep and see if that can resolve it ?

02-03-12, 11:23
Thanks again Katie! I did think maybe something would have shown in my bloods but now arghhh I cant help but think maybe I have an illness after the bloods were taken :(

Carys - My nights sleep last night was actually bad so now I'm expecting worse than ever tiredness this afternoon :( ........ I also googled too much last night and cancer came up too much but thanks so much for your understanding, it makes it more possible to believe it could be anxiety. I will also try and get some longer nights sleep in.

Thanks so much xxx

03-04-12, 15:46

I can totally relate to what you are saying. I don't ever feel rested after a nights sleep and from the moment i wake I am conciously watching the clock as I am willing it to be 'bedtime' again.

The littlest activity absoutely wipes me out. It has gotten so bad I have had to be signed off from work!! I am beginning to panic like yourself that this is something other than anxiety related.

I have never felt tiredness like this and no mater how much sleep I am tired. I am in my early thirtees, this cannot be 'normal'.

Everytime I see the doctor he says it is anxiety related. I feel I am labelled so no matter what symptom I present anxiety is the immediate answer.

All I want is to be back to normal :weep:

03-04-12, 16:43
Hazymind, I think most of us can relate to that feeling, it gets worse at 2 or 3, a complete slump in mood and energy. It effects my work and also means I dread having to drive across town to get my daughter from school. Dr Claire weeks calls it 'depletion' and it does seem to be a result if the adrenal glands working overtime, like you say it seems to kick when anxiety is lower and this may be because we are in a phase if not churning out adrenaline? All normal, there is also a huge hormone link for women. Just ride it out and rest when you have to, no shame in that! Take care x

03-04-12, 22:50
I feel tired allll the time. From dragging myself out of bed to sitting at my desk at work to going to the gym to getting the bus home... if I laid down, I think I could literally fall asleep at any time. I try to tell myself that it's normal. Anxiety uses up the body's resources so it leaves you feeling run down.

24-04-12, 10:29
Thanks for all your replies!!! :hugs:

I am still feeling the extreme tiredness, also balance is a mega problem right now... I just wish so much I could believe it's anxiety related....

Thank you all, your understanding and words do help :hugs::hugs::hugs:

24-04-12, 10:37
Hi guys, I can totally relate to all of this, I'm also questioning If it's anxiety!! Its at a point now where I can't handle the thought of work!! I can just about manage feeling like this at home, I can't cope at all at work!! Start in 40 mins hey ho

24-04-12, 10:53
Cameron - Anxiety really can take zap all your energy as you are on a constant fight or flight... If you can manage at home I guess you might be more relaxed at home which is probably why you cope better at home (???)

I know how you feel and hope work is ok, I'm sure you will be fine try and relax as much as you can but I do truly know how hard that can be!

I wish I could believe my tiredness was anxiety related, my thoughts are too much :weep:

But I'm sure your tiredness is anxiety related as you feel better at home which is more relaxing! (But don't fall in to the trap of not wanting to leave your home or you'll end up in a situation like I'm in! :wacko: )