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View Full Version : Would this be considered ROCD?

01-03-12, 20:44
Most of the ROCD I read about online is about someone worrying that they no longer love their partner or doubt their feelings for them, but I’m just wondering if the thoughts I’m having would also be considered ROCD.
I’ve been with my BF for over 2 years and I’m constantly worried that he will cheat on me, talk to girls behind my back, etc. I don’t really have any reason to believe he would, we’ve had a few rough spots, but no cheating that I’m aware of. These are some of the things I normally worry about:

-seeing shimmers/glitter on his face (from makeup). I check his face every day to see if he has shimmer on it. If I see even one piece I assume he was with a girl and I flip out or say nothing and let it eat away at me.

-things he said to his ex gf. I’ve seen messages he sent her on FB and in his e-mail from when they were together and I get really upset. I always think that if we broke up he wouldn’t care enough to say the same things to me or that he must have really loved her. Plus, I used to think he wasn’t over her when we first got together so that doesn’t help matters any….

-comments like “we don’t have sex enough” then he turns around and says we do it all the time. I constantly think “OMG, he’s seeing someone else and he has me confused with her and that’s why he said that!” So in this situation I thought that he had me confused with “the other girl that he’s seeing” and they must do it a lot because he just told me that we don’t do it enough. Then I freak out. I have this worry a lot about different situations.

There’s various other things that I won’t bore you guys with, but I’m having a hard time dealing with these worries and I’m afraid it will ruin my relationship. I’ve been diagnosed with OCD by my therapist (I’m not on meds) and I already have really high anxiety :(

02-03-12, 02:54
I'm no expert, but that definitely sounds like it could be ROCD. Have you brought it up with your therapist?