View Full Version : having broken back molar out 2mw !! help!

01-03-12, 21:39
I am so scared my second last tooth broke when i ate yesterday and it is half gone so I know there is no way it can be fixed, I had a tooth out last year and it took an hour it was so traumatic and the dentist couldnt get all the root out, I am so scared the same thing will happen I have appt at 10.30 in the morning tomoro

01-03-12, 21:42
I have a huge fear of the dentist so can understand why you're scared. But just because last time you had a tooth out was difficult, it doesn't mean this one will be. You're going to get it sorted which is better than leaving it, and it won't be a particularly pleasant time, but once it's over that's it, and you can feel very proud! Can you take an ipod or something to listen to to distract yourself? LOTS of luck, you've taken a huge step by making the appointment. It'll be over this time tomorrow :)

01-03-12, 21:55
its true I will be pleased when it is gone as long as nothing dreadful happens, i had such a dreadful exp last time and the dentist wouldnt let me take a valium I will beg her this time, I have some for emergencies, I think this is an emergency!!