View Full Version : not coping

01-03-12, 23:20
hi guys ive sufferd anxiety depression and panic attacks for 3 years or so but on 21st jan this year i lost my mum she was 55 and it was vey sudden what makes it worse she lived in spain and due to my problems i dont have a passport so couldnt go to the funeral i feel like in falling apart my anxiety is worse than ever im having panic attacks daily im now ill which doesnt help and just feel like im losing the plot completly i just dont know wat to do and the doctors are no help just upped my meds which are not suiting me any way just feel like ending it all

01-03-12, 23:48
Although it might feel like the doctors are no help, they do know what they are doing, if you feel your doctor is not right for you ask for another, if you get a good doctor it can help a lot. Sounds like you ave had a crap time of it, the worst thing to hear is that it will get better, but it's true, it will. It might fluctuate as I'm sure your problems have over the last three years, but if it's bad now, it will improve, have you thought about therapy as that is useful to a lot of people.

02-03-12, 00:14
i'm so sorry you've lost your mum :( with that happening very recently on top of your previous depression and stuff it's only natural you are going to be feeling pretty bad now. do you have any family, friends, partner who are around to support you? i think you need to tell someone you need a bit more support than usual. and it definitely sounds like you could try a different doctor for a second opinion (or maybe the meds need a bit of time to kick in? cant hurt to see another doc any way).

i'm sorry you're having such a tough time, you can always come here for a sympathetic ear or to talk :)

02-03-12, 11:41
thats my main problem lack off support because of the way i am my so called friends dont bother with me much as i "bring them down" i end up just sat in house on my own

02-03-12, 13:49
annie on top of your anxiety you are also going through the grieving process which on its own is a rollercoaster of emotions, plus the guilt you feel for not being able to attend your mums funeral. But I am sure she would totally understand. I agree with the above comments, you really need some extra emotional support right now, its really difficult with the death of a parent as we see them as the "strong reliable ones" who we turn to in a crisis. (ive lost both my parents). I know its a cliche but time does heal. And we are all here to lend a shoulder if you need.