View Full Version : Newbie With Bladder Issue and HA Need Advice!

01-03-12, 23:25
My health anxiety started just a little over 2 years ago when I contracted glandular fever at the ripe age of 30. It was such a bad case it put me in the hospital for a few days and lasted ages. It was probably at least a year before I was somewhat okay again..
Other than the post Glandular fever issues, it's has left me with horrible health anxiety. Because of the lingering symptoms I can no longer tell if I'm experiencing something serious or just more of the same old benign GF symptoms. My immune system seems compromised, as I've had more colds this than ever before.

Glandular fever I believe is the origin of my HA. Now to my point and the purpose of this post:

A little over a month ago I noticed this weird sore on my leg, it made me worry because I don't remember get injured. Anyway, I bandaged and used a topical antibiotic with the hope with would be fine. After about a week it had not gotten any better, so what did i do?
You guessed it! Went on Google and started researching what it could be. It wasn't long before I was ABSOLUTELY convinced I had skin cancer!

At that moment I had one of the worst panic attacks I've had in my life. The next day I went to urgent care (A&E) and got a topical prescription grade antibiotic, which almost started working immediately. The DR said NO not cancer, just an infected cut.. Finally Relief? No not quite..

Within a day or two I started to noticing bladder issues, where I could not sit for any length of time without the intense urge to pee accompanied by odd tingling sensations and vague burning sensations. Peeing seemed fine, no pain I guess..Maybe a little burn towards the end. I uped my water intake, (usually don't drink enough) and I let this go on for 2 weeks before I went back to Urgent Care yet again..
They did a rapid UTI test which came back negative, except for TRACE BLOOD in the urine. The Dr. prescribed me 3 days of strong antibiotics just in case and said he would culture the urine to see if he could grow any bacteria.
After finishing the medicine my bladder felt a lot better for about 4 days, thinking it was over I decided to slurge on pop and coffee that weekend only to have the symptoms return to a lesser extent. I can sit for longer periods of time, but I still have a vague pressure feeling down there, and a slight irritated feeling. Still there, but better after the medicine.
I let this go another 2 weeks and FINALLY went to my primary Doc today. According to him, the culture done 2 weeks ago, was ALSO NEGATIVE. He said he's concerned about the Trace blood in the urine and scheduled me for a CT scan tomorrow.
Now, I'm totally, 100% freaking out! My question is did I trigger these issues myself from the crazy panic attack? Are the symptoms amplified because of the anxiety? If it was something serious, wouldn't the symptoms be getting worse? Soo many questions!! Plus I'm a guy, we're not suppose to have urinary problems this young!
So my only conclusion is I have horrible anxiety or there is something seriously wrong with me. And advice, thoughts or experiences would be GREATLY appreciated!

02-03-12, 07:17
Hiya. I always have traces of blood and white blood cells in my urine. Have had soooo many tests. Have had the thing where they inject you with dye and scan you, have had a camera in my bladder. They found nothing and diagnosed interstitial cystitis, basically an irritable bladder for no reason. I was convinced I had bladder cancer, but it's very rare.

02-03-12, 07:56
this is my reason for mega HA at the moment... ive been getting trace blood in my wee for months... had a renal ct scan (no dye) and have had no growth in urine tests, sometimes i have white cells also.... i do have a weird right sided groin pain, but not sure if its linked... miggymoggy do you have any aches or do you need to urinate to often... cuz i urinate the same amount as i usually would, maybe once more at night more xxx

02-03-12, 13:23
Because you are a fella and fellas rarely get urine infections due to the extra distance bacteria need to travel:yesyes: Drs do tend to go in with all the tests just in case. They may also check your prostate gland as well so don't freak if they do!

It is impossible to know without tests if your sensations are being caused by your ha or not. ON the birght side at least you are getting the tests needed to totally rule out anything nasty in the waterworks dept.

I am another one who has had occult blood in urine all her life and with me its just big filters on my kidneys letting blood protein and cells through but my kidneys and bladder etc are fine.

Have the tests but try not to worry too much at this stage.