View Full Version : Anyone got an over-active thyroid i need help

little kyle
02-03-12, 02:26
Im not going to relate anxiety in this my mum brother have an over-active thyroid and so long ago i thought its anxiety

but after some research i had a little test i did by my self but did not tell anyone what i was doing

for example mums getting old and she needs the heating on so when she puts it on and im in the room soon as the fire pumps heat out i get hot i done mean a bit hot i mean really hot and frustrated

sometimes i will be okay sometimes not i have to sleep with the window open all the time even if it means getting a cold i have to cause i get hot easy

for example my girlfriend said im like a little fire

but alot of the times big thing i should point out my skin is cool and im hot as an oven and my anxiety sets me off to check my temp when i check it its 36.8 which to me is fine and is not a fever or what not

Can anyone give me advice or am i just losing it like mad

thank you for reading

02-03-12, 10:47
Hello, i have an underactive thyroid and get these terrible hot flushes too, but they will be just certain points my cheek that will be burning puple and red, but all around it like the rest of my face can just be a normal colour.
Or my face will be boiling and it will give me heat rash on my neck,shoulders and chest too but my body will be normal/cold.

We have Heating Wars in our house too xx