View Full Version : Severe Tension

24-06-06, 17:10
I've just left a job that i managed to stick for 8 months. I really don't know why i stuck it for so long as the Manager was a control freak and absolute horrid to me. She didn't know i suffered with my nerves as i always appear to be happy go lucky but inside i'm shaking in my shoes. She had no warmth or compasion feeling or nothing and i never saw her smile. Just full of cutting remarks.
Anyone appart from her being the way she was and for whatever reason its left me a jibbering wreck thats why i should have pulled out sooner. I've lost all my confidence feel as though she knocked every bit out of me. (Such horrid people in this world). Consequently as i go about my buisness from day to day i freeze go severly tense to the point of being dizzy and think i'm not going to get a seat to sit down to compose myself (happens) both in and out the house. Also i do it with close family members (in fact anyone). I have been left the job a week now and am looking for some sound advice to help me on the road to recovery and be able to go in a shop without running for my life again n without the dizziness. Yhankyou for your support Suz x

24-06-06, 17:29

I'm so sorry that you are having such a rough time. Fear & Anxiety can leave us with little or no confidence I know - it is such a horrible, scary feeling. I wish I knew the answer but the one thing I will say is this: Do not beat yourself up about this!!! Give yourself permission to rest for a couple of weeks & recoup. Really allow yourself this. Maybe though each day you could go for a walk, just enough to get out & get some fresh air. Read any books you have on the subject (even if you have already read them). Write out your feelings, sleep, have long baths, do whatever it takes to relax you a little. Most importantly, do not see this as a defeat or a set back!!!! No one likes to be in a job where they feel unhappy for whatever reason. Many people would not have put up with your boss even as long as you did!!!

Then when you feel a little more relaxed, then you can take stock & decide what to do.

What I am trying to say is: Pamper yourself - give yourself time to breath. I don't know if this helps but I hope it does.

emma chant
24-06-06, 18:40
HELLO sorry to hear your having a bad time at moment.
I also know theres some horrible peple in this world [}:)]
But don't worry,you've got some good mates here.:)

e chant

26-06-06, 10:26
Hi Suz, sorry you had such a bad time at work. Tension will cause dizziness. Try and relax the muscles in your neck and shoulders, do some simple exercises, rolling them etc. to release the tension there, massage etc. You need time for your body to calm down and get rid of all the stress hormones, the symptoms will eventually pass if you allow your body to relax and not dwell on them and allow them to take over, I know it's hard but it will help. As Panicdiva says, try and read some books about panic, Claire Weeks one is good and explains what is happening to your body and how to get over it and help yourself. Hope you feel better soon

Take care

'This too will pass'

27-06-06, 13:30
I too suffer terribly from anxiety but I just quit a job of 14 years making very good money after being switched to a store as a sevice manager and the store manager was a bi---!. She had 3 other SM quit as well. She would blame everyone for sales not being there and just be a complete you know what. After 8 months and seeing my pysologist she says either go higher which she was chummy with them or move on. So I moved on an don't regret a thing. My anxiety has lessoned but my tension in my shoulders and neck have not left and hoping it does it has been almost a month.

Good luck,


10-05-09, 11:50
hi iget this too, there's someone in my office who bullies me badly, this person thinks too highly of herself and want ppl to listen and respect her all the time, u can't forget and do anything wrong if she want u to do, she keep on directing you and give u no chance to make mistake or forget, if she forget can, if us she will scream and make life so hard for us. becos of a misunderstanding with her, i tried avoiding her hoping i won't feel so hurt thinking of the way she betrayed me, i just can't listen to her voice, the way she is so rude ,shouting at me all the time, looking at her face make me have bad luck the whole day, so i avoided her all the time and this 'b' is not happy and make life so difficult for me, now i am so stress all day in office i find office is so disturbing and painful, everyday i get dizzy, light headed in office, the moment i met her my heart will beat so so fast and i feel so dizzy, even at night i can't sleep thinking tomorrow again got to go to work and met 'b' . i can't concentrate in mywork, becos she find all kinds of nonsense work for me and make a fool of me, and shouting at me in front of the whole people, she is so wicked and i feel so pressure and low that i feel i am so useless. i can't do anything abt it and suffer low self esteem and hate going to work, i am quite shy person and it affect me deeply, everyday i get panic attack and anxiety wanting to escape from that 'b'/i do get dizzy everyday.,

10-05-09, 11:51
i get tension headache, nowaadys i get angry for no reason, i am so impatient now, and i hate everyday i met. i get angry at hom ealso, becos i feel life is so unfair to me. why all bad people get good stuff, i am good person and i always get all the bad stuff.