View Full Version : blood found on dipstick almost every sample

02-03-12, 10:01
I'm so worried about trace blood in my wee.. almost for 9 months..there has been the odd one without. I've had a non contrast renal ct scan...normal.. ultrasound of kidneys normal..and full bloods inc inflammation... now all I can think of is is the past when I've Googled blood always somethin bad.. yet my doc is like its fine.. I have a constant right sided pain.. constant for months.. slightly stinging.. between my belly button and hip bone.. u have terrible back and hip pain... I'm tryin not to link then together but I'm frightened I've got bladder cancer... would that show up on my ct. if I had a tumor or cancer in my long wee tubes would that be seen? please I just wanna be happy :-(

02-03-12, 10:56
As you know I get this too but don't worry about it cos the doc said there is nothing to worry about and I haven't had any scans etc as they are not necessary.

Some people just get this with urine tests and like me it means nothing serious is wrong

02-03-12, 11:35
thanks nicola... they said they want to test my urine again when ive finished my period then send it away to the lab ,if it comes bac with blood in then i will have to have acamera in my bladder... does that mean they are looing for cancer ? ooh it so worrying... but thanks for the reassurance its really help lift my mood somewhat :) xxx
Ps. how come you havent had any tests??? are you not worried? xxx

02-03-12, 13:16
The first time blood was detected in my urine they did not even have dipstick tests as it was back in 1982. Every single test they do since then I have blood in urine. I am now 50 and my kidneys work perfectly.

BAck in 1982 I had the only test available then which was a IV Pyelogram where they inject dye into you and then x ray your kidneys tubes and bladder and mine were fine as was my kidney function and I was told some people are born with big filters on their kidneys and they leak micro blood and sometimes protein into urine but its normal for them.

Over the years I have battled with every routine health checks as the water one always shows the blood - I have had endless tests sent off to check for infection and numerous ultrasounds of my kidneys and blood tests. All totally normal ( with me saying told you so).

The only test I had not had was the cystoscopy ( camera in bladder). My GP asked me to have this test last summer as he said the protocol for occult blood in urine now was that you have to have this done. He did not for a moment think I needed it but he had to tick the box as they do nowadays so I thought okay I will. Perfect bladder.

The test was fine - they put anaethetic gel into your urethra before inserting the camera and I had no pain at all during the test. It was painful to wee for 24 hrs after but I just drank lots to prevent infection and was fine next day.

So don't stress - if you were 65 and had visible blood in urine then thats the time to be concerned but your young and only have invisible blood on test so almost certainly nothing to worry about and they have to send you for the camera or they would get smacked hand.

02-03-12, 13:53
I guessed that if it was serious they would do something about it but if they aren't worried then I am not lol.

I am supposed to take a urine sample in next time I go so I will let you know what happens this time.

02-03-12, 13:57
nicola, why do they want you to tae a sample in?

02-03-12, 19:44
Because it had blood in it back in November so the doc just said next time you remember bring another one in so I can test it.

I keep forgetting to do it but may take one in this week when I see one of the other doctors.

When I had it back in November it was related to the fact that I had my period later that day so I guess they just want to check it is ok when I don't have my period.