View Full Version : Pea sized lumps on scalp?

02-03-12, 15:17
Anyone else get these. Some are sore some aren't. Some I can push Down others I can't! Can u get lymph nodes on ur scalp if so why would they be raised.

Lele x

03-03-12, 13:01
Nobody?? I have a headache too :(

03-03-12, 13:06
sometimes i get them to the back of my scalp.... some reapear in the same place. i was just assuming it was a spot!! just keep an eye on it...

Also you prob have a headache cuz your stressing!!! chill :)

03-03-12, 16:31
I have a few of these, have had them ever since I an remember. Even tried to pick them of as a kid. Don't knw what they are but they have never bothered me :)

16-03-12, 08:44
More of these have appeared. It feels like a hard sore bump/lump under my scalp. Could it be lymph nodes. Why are they getting sore??

Scared its skin cancer?

Lele x

16-03-12, 09:37
Hi there

The most likely thing is that they are cysts. They are really, really common. Get a doctor or a pharmacist to look at them for you, but I would bet that's what they are.

16-03-12, 11:18
Do you think? I can feel it hurting without even touching it.

Like a tight pain. Also a headache.

16-03-12, 13:56
Cysts can get sore as they get infected, but also on your scalp they're likely to be painful as the skin is so tight on your scalp, therefore there's nowhere for them to expand. If they get big or really troublesome you can get them whipped out under a local anaesthetic.

16-03-12, 14:14
Thank you so much. I just get so scared..

Rachel W
16-03-12, 15:21
I have had lumps like this and they got really big (bigger than a pea). Usually on the back but higher than the nodes and then they would go away after a few weeks. Just cysts/zits that don't reach the surface...