View Full Version : Over half making me worse!!

02-03-12, 16:02
I had a baby last week and Ffs He goes on about how tired I am I did night shifts last night and I'm completely whacked... I did sleep from 9-1 but im still knackered what I guess is normal...

Anyway I get downstairs and he goes on how I'm doing nothing and all this... then asked me to get him a glass of juice because I've done nothing for him and he's done things for me like put dinner in microwave as I was feeding Ivy http://www.babyandbump.com/images/smilies/doh.gif but who was up at 6.30 after the night feed putting washing in and cleaning downstairs and making him breakfast so he could just sit their with her when he taken over for an hour

He also keeps mithering me about money I owe him £70 what is the last thing on my mind as I'm suffering with bad ocd since having Ivy with the up upheaval of things!

I just made tea and he was like going on about that..and how I did it on a chopping board that was abit dirty sorry but I am ****ing knackered I didn't realise I just want to get it done... then it's about how long I take to get dressed in the morning when I wake up I like to just chill out with the baby cos my anxitey is the highest in the morning so I just like to feed her etc.....

Then he goes on because I forgot to give her infocol in the middle of the night and then tells me how to look after her 'wind her kate' and oh your so clumbsy and if I keep telling you then maybe you will stop and realise... etc it's ****ing me off and making me more anxious because I feel pressured by him..

Ahh http://www.babyandbump.com/images/smilies/doh.gif

02-03-12, 16:13
Hi katie
wow thankfully I have a supportive husband... have you tried telling him how much extra pressure he is putting on you? a new baby is stressful at the best of times without having to deal with anxiety and ocd on top of that. along with sleep deprivation.
If you feel he wont back off for your sake, tell him to back off fot Ivy's sake, make the point the stress is not good for her, might not have any impact but worth a try.

02-03-12, 17:16
Wooooah, he sounds like he is being a true delight, and sounding like a spoilt brat. Is this your first baby together ?

02-03-12, 17:25
Shazy and carys i totally agree with you both but wasn't brave enough to say so lol. And the £70 bit ffs lent it? shouldn't he have gave you it?
Anyway good luck and if he doesn't change send him home to mummy or better still my gf. she will knock him into shape lol.

Darren :)

02-03-12, 21:05
Wooooah, he sounds like he is being a true delight, and sounding like a spoilt brat. Is this your first baby together ?
agree with you Carys.

---------- Post added at 21:05 ---------- Previous post was at 21:04 ----------

Shazy and carys i totally agree with you both but wasn't brave enough to say so lol. And the £70 bit ffs lent it? shouldn't he have gave you it?
Anyway good luck and if he doesn't change send him home to mummy or better still my gf. she will knock him into shape lol.

Darren :)
LOL darren.... totally agree about the 70 quid, tell him your using it on the baby.

02-03-12, 22:08
Definitely tell him your using it on your baby and if he carrys on treating you like a servant tell him your home had two doors which one does he want to leave from , you should not have to put up with his behaviour . You sure he s not the baby he sounds like one . Sorry .
Zoe xx

02-03-12, 23:29
Sounds like he's threatened by the baby, emotionally I mean.

04-03-12, 00:32
Errm am really sorry but if that was me I'ld be showing him the door and telling him to p**s off. No way would I let my partner treat me like that, esp a week after having his baby !! OMG how thoughtless is he?? Really think about it hun, it should be him looking ater you at this time NOT the other way round and as for owing him £70 I would tell him to go stick it, you are looking after and bringing up his baby for gods sake !! You would be better brining the baby up yourself, least you'ld have no one to answer too, I think hes being really selfish ! xx

04-03-12, 00:47
Wow pauline that was a strong reply, true very true.
Have you been watching to much jeremy vile lately lol

Darren :)

04-03-12, 17:07
Haha I don't watch Jeremy Kyle at all !! Just dont like seeing people unfairly treated hun :)

08-03-12, 19:57
Well done pauline. Well said. Now pauline sort this government out lol. :D

09-03-12, 12:45
If only eh :D x