View Full Version : what if it's not anxiety? neck, spots, funny feelings...

02-03-12, 18:26
I veer between thinking I'm panicking over nothing and setting this off, or whether actually I should be worried.

I keep getting spots on the back of my neck, and I think there's a little lump there (as opposed to spot) too. Sometimes my neck and collar area feel tight and itchy. Especially when I'm worrying.

I get it less when I'm thinking about other things, or busy - and more if I am talking for a long time, or thinking about it. But the spots keep coming - one or two at once. Some have gone, some come back.

Is there anything properly nasty it could be that I'm just dismissing as anxiety?

Any help gratefully received.

05-03-12, 11:22

05-03-12, 11:35
This is really hard to answer fretful, especially on an internet forum full of non-medical people :winks: You could have any number of reasons for the spots appearing, or you could have normal 'acne type' spots that you have always had but due to your HA you are focusing on them and building them, in your mind, into something of huge significance.

When I say 'any number of reasons' I refer here to allergies to clothing, sweating around your collar, allergies to washing products or you could be itching and rubbing the area (causing spots). I'll be honest with you here, you need to really rationalise this and figure out if it is something you should visit the doctor for, as nobody here can really give an answer on this; they can't see you and the spots, they don't know your medical history and how bad the problem is for you or how long you've had them etc.

I would imagine though, that as you forget about them at times, and they come and go, that it can't be anything too significant.....I've certainly never heard of an 'illness' that causes spots on the back of the neck that come and go.

I know that for many sufferers of HA, knowing if and when something is serious or not can be a very blurred line. We/you know that HA can make things seem vastly more significant than they are, but there is always that worry that something could be missed, as after all 'even those with HA get ill'.

I'm sorry not to be able to be more helpful, but to advise you to get the problem checked by someone medical (even just a practice nurse rather than the doctor) if you genuinely think there is reason for concern......but that is the problem isn't it, trying to figure out if there is genuine reason for concern :winks:

05-03-12, 12:07
You're quite right - feel a bit daft really. Thank you :)

05-03-12, 12:51
feel a bit daft reallyNo Don't feel daft ! It wasn't my intention to make you feel that way at all, it is hard suffering from HA and finding a healthy (nice pun ey!?) perspective on physical conditions.

05-03-12, 13:29
aw, no, you didn't make me feel daft - I appreciated the reply a lot!