View Full Version : blood clot after childbirth ??

02-03-12, 19:17
Hiya I'm just wondering if anyone can help me out I'm getting myself in a state..I gave birth 6 weeks 4 days ago and today I've noticed a pain in my right shin it only seems to hurt when I bend my toes up but I'm more worried because for the past few days I've been getting pins and needles a lot mainly in my hands but sometimes in my feet...I'm petrified I have a blood clot in my leg....

02-03-12, 19:30
Obviously I am not a Dr but a few friends have had dvt in their lower legs and they all had pain in the back of the leg that was worse on moving and agonising when trying to climb stairs.

I have had what you are describing quite a few times that pain up the shin when bending toes upwards and with me I could link it to either sitting on my haunches with toes bent under me or walking up a steep hill a few days before as both these pull the muscles at front of shin.

Also to add that the dvt friends all had some level of swelling and their skin looks odd as well sort of shiny/tight.

If you are really worried then do see a Dr for reassurance as they would be happy to do so given that you not long ago given birth.

02-03-12, 19:43
Hello kayleigh. Have you been walking more now you have had the baby? I mean with the pram. Cause it sounds like a slight form of shin splints. Which is i think when the muscle slightly tears away from the bone. If it is shin splints nothing to worry about just try rest as much as possible. As for the Pins & Needles could be carrying and holding the baby, pushing the pram or cause you are feeling anxious about your leg? Hope you feel better soon

Darren :)

02-03-12, 20:15
Thanks for the replys I'm just a worrier my anxiety has been really bad since having the baby...I never even thought about blood clots till the midwife mentioned it a few weeks ago x x

02-03-12, 20:39
My son is now 31 but I remember while I was in hospital ( they kept you in 6 days then!) a midwife doing the same to me and sure enough by day 4 I had pain in my calf muscle which was actually from lack of exercise in those days and having to get the ward Dr to check me over. I was fine.

We should wear badges saying "no medical info wanted".

02-03-12, 20:41
Hi Kayleigh - Does your health visitor and midwife know you suffer with anxiety?

Also I am sure you are ok but because you have recently given birth AND worried maybe see the DR to put your mind at rest. You could always call NHS Direct for advice.

Enjoy your baby as they grow and change quickly! Take care xxx:)