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View Full Version : My best friend Max

03-03-12, 02:29
My dog Max is a puggle. He just turned seven in December. For the last year or so, anytime we make eye contact for a long period of time (which is kind of often, he likes to have staring contests), all I can think is "one day, you won't be here".

I try really hard to not think that way. When it is really bothersome, I think he can tell. He will follow me around and sleep right under where ever I am. Other than being OBESE and having off and on ear infections a lot, he's healthy. I guess his age scares me. I'm so used to him always being there and love him. I don't EVER WANT TO BE WITHOUT HIM. =)

Please go see his website! http://maxsbulge.tumblr.com/

I know it sounds like porn. But it isn't. Anyone who has ever met Max has complimented (or commented, whatever) on how bulgy his eyes are. They're amazing eyes. I just wanted to share his site. It always puts a smile on my face, and the faces of those I share it with. There are even some special guest appearances by a couple of my friends dogs, they're pretty funny looking, too.

Thanks for reading!

03-03-12, 02:36
i like him lots if i was you i would slim him down a bit its better for his health
god bless

03-03-12, 02:46
You're right, london. I really need to get him more exercise. Because of my paranoia and fears, he has developed them too. He won't walk past our driveway... I took him to a park and walked him a few weeks back.. He liked it, for the most part. He pooed every ten steps, though.

I can come up with some in the house exercises, I'm sure.

Thanks for looking!