View Full Version : what would a non contrast ct scan pick up??

03-03-12, 09:59
I know there contrast ct scan and non contrast ct scan.... I had a non contrast st scan of my pelvis to look for stonesetc, would it also pick up tumors and horrible things? thanks

03-03-12, 13:18
Oh yes they can see all sorts with CT scans.

They found abcesses on my bowel from one so I am pretty sure it would find lumps and things too.

03-03-12, 13:23
non contrast????

poor you my partner hes 42, he had a abcess on his bowel... was a awful time for him. hes horribley scarred from it xxx :flowers:

03-03-12, 18:04
I honestly can't remember if I had contrast or not as I as was so ill at the time