View Full Version : trying to stay calm.......

03-03-12, 13:09
whilst I wait for my smear test to come back, but my cancer fears explode, atm I have jaw cancer, cervical cancer, breast cancer just to name a few.

Damn you HA :lac:

03-03-12, 13:12
feeling for you sahara... how long til your results?

if it makes you feel any better , today i have uterine cancer, bladder cancer, kidney tumors, blood clots, spine cancer to name a few!! xx

03-03-12, 13:22
apparently they are quick atm, so she reckons within 2 weeks.

Trouble is I have only had 2 smears and I am 34 (due to HA making me to scared to go when I was younger) The first one I am convinced they must have missed something, the 2nd one I don't think the slide was read properly because I went a year early with my Drs say so, but the nurse was really nasty and said that she wouldn't be suprised if the lab just threw the slide in the bin and then the results never came to me and I had to ask my Dr 6 weeks later. They were OK, but still convinced they weren't read properly cos of what the nurse said, so I fear I have 10 years plus of abnormal cell changes whih will be cancer this time round - sigh :wacko:

Hope your day is kind on you and your HA isn't too prominent x

03-03-12, 13:43
you sound exactly the same as me, I remember having a smear at 23, hvent a clue what the results were. Fast forward 5 years and 2 kids then jade goody etc, rushed my self in for a smear... normal .. phew, last year my HA was so bad i asked my doc for bring forward my smear which he did, i was convinced they screwed up cuz the nurse struggled to do it cuz of my forward facing uterus, but results came back normal, but that hasnt stopped me wanting to book in privately somewhere next month, as now i will have one every year due to HA. xxx take care... im sure results will be fine xxx