View Full Version : need a hug

03-03-12, 14:45
wot a week i have had, didnt do weel on the bus this week, monday, tuesday, went to see my gp, on tuesday, she thinks i should try 10mg citalopram, but am scared to take them, couldnt cope with side effects aswell as looking after a nearly two years old.

had review meeting at toddler group on wednesday, me and six other women round a table, i burst out crying, took my half hour to calm down, got home still crying, not coping living with this anxiety, had cbt that morning, nearly cried there, bottled it up for so long, had to let it all out.

had some wine last night, regret it now, my anxiety today is sky high, just got to get thru today and tomorro
had aptment for the nurse yesterday, smear test, i walked with lil one, i got to the main road, i was nearly there, but i couldnt go any further, i panicked, turned round and went back home, wasnt anxious about smear test, just getn there, further and further away from home, usually have sum one with me
got dentist monday, and going on the bus again, not looking forward to that
went for short walk with lil one, feed ducks up canal earlier, but need to go to the shop later, am going to wait till my daughter comes back from town.
so please send me lots of hugs today i really need it,

thanks for reading,

angie xxxxxx

03-03-12, 14:49


03-03-12, 14:56

03-03-12, 15:09
thanks for the hugs guys, my right hand feels cold and tinglie, since this morning, any one else get this?, really trying to stay calm today


angie xxxx

03-03-12, 15:12
Hello angie. Put no pressure on yourself and you'll be just fine. :hugs:

Darren :)

03-03-12, 15:15
Hi Angie,

The tingling hands is a classic anxiety symptom - I get it a lot. Try to distract yourself and feel all the hugs coming your way.

Pip xxx

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

03-03-12, 15:26
yeah has pip said classic symptoms. Also i sometimes get a sensation of cold bones and clammy skin. What is annoying cause do you pull the covers or kick em off lol.

Darren :)

03-03-12, 15:28
thanks pipkin, x really not having a good day, jus wont to cry, hate this, just wont to get better

hate my life

03-03-12, 15:29
sending huge :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: xx

03-03-12, 15:31
thanks darrenb74 x :hugs:

03-03-12, 15:36
You're welcome angie. Maybe do EFT tapping and listen to either calming music or feel good music. ps no brit rap music though lol

Darren :)

03-03-12, 16:32
thanks nicola x loving all the hugs am geting,

darren x am on utube looking for calming music, good idea,
love the sound of birds first thing in the morning or late evening, or a running stream, , hope your having a good day,

angie xxxxxx

---------- Post added at 17:32 ---------- Previous post was at 17:13 ----------

why did i not think of this before, love the sound of birds singing, looked on utube found the sound of spring bird songs, loving it, feel abit calm now,

thanks guys for the hugs


angie xxxxx

03-03-12, 17:21
Your OK, try to RELAX. :bighug1::flowers: :hugs:

03-03-12, 18:17
Glad to hear it angie. Well done for today and you'll do even better tomorrow by staying positive :hugs:

Darren :)

03-03-12, 20:35
Yep Angie, I agree with Darren. Tomorrow will be even better.

Take care and a few more hugs for good measure...

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Pip xxx

:bighug1: :bighug1:

03-03-12, 21:02
thanks darren, for your support, well its 8.15 am doing ok, made it thru today so far, manage to get to the shop, with my daughter,

sending you a big hug from me:bighug1:

angie x

03-03-12, 21:10
hi angie21 know how your feelin today had a few drinks myself lastnite oh anxiety has made me pay today its so horrible isnt it hope your ok :hugs:

03-03-12, 21:38
Hi really consider taking the meds, I am currently on 40mg and although there are side effects they generally do not last long and it will help u so much, I have different issues at the moment but i can really recommend this ssri you need to look at it as how bad you feel at the moment to how good you could feel in a month thats how i looked at it anyway hope this helps :)

angel wings
03-03-12, 21:45
:bighug1: hope you are feeling better

03-03-12, 21:51
Well done angie. I had a little anxious moment earlier in the shop, stayed for as long as i could then waited outside for gf. So wasn't to bad

Darren :)

03-03-12, 22:14
BIIIIGG HUUGS you can do it xxx

04-03-12, 10:32
Sending you a great big :hugs:!!!