View Full Version : Hands when clenched wouldn't open

03-03-12, 22:46
Hi , was doing relaxation yesterday and was clenching my fists , when I went to unclench they wouldnt for a few seconds and really freaked me out , so anyway after the initial shock I went to try again and again it happened , I was sitting looking at them clenched shouting come on again after a few seconds they unclenched.

It really gave me a fright , anyone else had similar problems or advise as to whats possibly happened.

I suffer from agitated depression which usually affects my legs when highly anxious , Im just hoping its not now causing problems with my hands as well

* sighs*

03-03-12, 22:58
Oh yes! I get this when I open milk bottles, my hands get stuck clenched and then sort of pop open, it just happens. I have massive knuckles with tendons over the top which doesn't help.

03-03-12, 23:42
phew! thanks panchogoz I was getting worried