View Full Version : its not a big problem.

03-03-12, 23:24
Seems like everyone else is introducing themselves.. so here goes..

Hi, Im ellie. im 19 years old and live in cambridge.
for a while now ive been feeling unhappy, but i dont feel as though im important enough to worry others with my problems. I mainly suffer from severe anxiety and panic attacks as well as social phobia, and am currently tackleing this with no medication or therepy (which is proving to be very difficult!)

My anixety stemmed from my GCSES where i was put under immense pressure, and this carried on into college where i also became a sufferer of gastritis. This illness had a very negative effect on me in two ways; i did not complete my a levels to the standard i was expected to do so, and i became very afraid to leave the house and the comfort of my bed incase i was ill again. The major moment for me where this occured was in july where i was due to go on holiday to celebrate the end of exams. I didnt go as i experienced panic attacks and severe anxiety at the airport, and because of this i have developed a fear of flying, as well as heights, spiders and small spaces. Ever since this event i have kept distant from my friends, not going to university because i am too scared i wont make friends or will hate it or disappoint people, i struggle meeting new people and making new connections and am sick of being scared to get on a bus or a train. I want to be a teenager and go out without being afraid and worrying about things that dont need worrying about. I just dont want to be scared of a life that isnt what i want it to be anymore :( i have grown to hate the person ive become and dont know where else to turn as all my friends are travelling or at uni and family is distant. I am supposed to be going travelling in the near future, but dont see this happening because i am too scared to do so. anyone help?


03-03-12, 23:25
Hi elsieb1992

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

03-03-12, 23:48
Hi Elsie and :welcome:

I know you'll find that lots of people on here share you experiences and I hope you find it comforting to see you're not on your own.

Take care and keep I touch

Pip x

william wallace
04-03-12, 09:39
Seems like everyone else is introducing themselves.. so here goes..

Hi, Im ellie. im 19 years old and live in cambridge.
for a while now ive been feeling unhappy, but i dont feel as though im important enough to worry others with my problems. I mainly suffer from severe anxiety and panic attacks as well as social phobia, and am currently tackleing this with no medication or therepy (which is proving to be very difficult!)

My anixety stemmed from my GCSES where i was put under immense pressure, and this carried on into college where i also became a sufferer of gastritis. This illness had a very negative effect on me in two ways; i did not complete my a levels to the standard i was expected to do so, and i became very afraid to leave the house and the comfort of my bed incase i was ill again. The major moment for me where this occured was in july where i was due to go on holiday to celebrate the end of exams. I didnt go as i experienced panic attacks and severe anxiety at the airport, and because of this i have developed a fear of flying, as well as heights, spiders and small spaces. Ever since this event i have kept distant from my friends, not going to university because i am too scared i wont make friends or will hate it or disappoint people, i struggle meeting new people and making new connections and am sick of being scared to get on a bus or a train. I want to be a teenager and go out without being afraid and worrying about things that dont need worrying about. I just dont want to be scared of a life that isnt what i want it to be anymore :( i have grown to hate the person ive become and dont know where else to turn as all my friends are travelling or at uni and family is distant. I am supposed to be going travelling in the near future, but dont see this happening because i am too scared to do so. anyone help?


Hi Ellie, that's quite a bunch of issues to be coping with, without meds.
A low dose of something to lift your mood, and lower your anxiety levels would do you a world of good, and maybe even give you your life back.
There's no shame in it darlin:hugs:

04-03-12, 10:00
Hi Elsie,
Welcome to NMP - it's a great site.

You do have a whole lot of issues there but that is not uncommon for someone of your age. I was in very similar position to you at 19 so I do know what you're going though...it's a scary and difficult time.

You really do need to seek professional advice so if you haven't done so already, please go and see your GP and arrange for some sort of counselling or therapy. Medication is an option but it's something you must discuss with the right person.

You've made the right decision coming on here and I'm sure you'll find plenty of support.

Best of luck:).

04-03-12, 10:20
Welcome, if you have not been to see your GP then you should do. Coping with all that alone is very difficult, and you nee some support. Everyone goes through tough times and you can get through this and achieve the things you want to.

There is also good advice on here.


04-03-12, 11:29
:welcome:to nmp elsie