View Full Version : citalopram to mirtazapine

04-03-12, 06:37
Hello Folks.I have been on citalopram for years now for anxiety and depression my doctor says i have to stop taking them as associated heart problems with citalopram.I have been on 40 mg for about 3 years and for the last week i have been on 20mg.Tonight i start taking 15mg Mirtazapine when i go to bed.I have to take both medicines for a week then stop the citalapram.Firstly im a bit worried about taking both at the same time.Is that ok to do also i take co-codamol and zopiclone at nite for pain control and to help me sleep.

cheers mick

04-03-12, 07:22
Hi i did a straight swap over from cit to mirtazapine 2 and half weeks ago, i started off on 15mg of mirtazapine and then i upped to 30mg last monday, its a good idea to cross taper over as i was just switched and i got awful withdrawals from the citalopram :mad:, its fine to take zopiclone with them but mirtazapine is quite sedating on its own! good luck xx

04-03-12, 12:25
Thank you

04-03-12, 12:32
Hi mick you are the 2nd person who has said the gp is taking them off cit becaouse of heart probs.

Does that mean everyone will have to come off of them I am not on them but my cousin has been on them for about 4 years.

I wander if othe anti depressents can same side effect?

Cathy xx

04-03-12, 13:58
hello Cathy apparently dosages over 20mg could be bad so get him to go to the docs.Not other tablets just citalapram

04-03-12, 14:12
Hi Mick

I changed over from cit to mirt 2 years ago after taking cit for a number of years...I had to reduce down from 40mg-0 in a week and then start the mirt...not good!! I had horrendous withdrawal effects from the cit as well as feeling drowsy etc side effects from the mirt.

I think its good you are cross tapering as it should help with the change over.

Good luck with the mirt...they have certainly helped me.:)


04-03-12, 18:36
im on 40mg of citalopram, i was told by drs its just the 60mg dose that could cause heart problems, just what i was told, mine got reduced

04-03-12, 20:08
im on 40mg of citalopram, i was told by drs its just the 60mg dose that could cause heart problems, just what i was told, mine got reduced

Hello thats not what my doc told me.

I am just about to take my first mirtazapine pill and i am a bit worried do i have anything to worry about.


04-03-12, 20:14
it will prob knock you out, when i took my first i was out for the count within an hour and you may find your dreams are really vivid, these really freaked me out but they do pass xx

04-03-12, 22:26
my gp and psychiatrist both said i could take 40mg citalopram and i get it prescribed every week, is this safe, as others on here are being taken off it

04-03-12, 22:29
yes ok at same time Im on 20mg Cit and 45mg of Mirt , no issues GP was concerned but shrink said no all was ok and I have had any issues