View Full Version : Up every two hour with frequent urination :( again

04-03-12, 10:12
Hi all again

If you've read my posts before it's always this frequent urination symptom which is driving me mad :( ha it since oct 2011 and had loads of testa and scans just can't understand why it hoes for a couple of days then last night had a really bad night, up and down to the toilet all night! Can't unertand it it come from knowhere didn't even feel anxious last night but now I do :( also it feels worse if my bowel is full and need a movement, could this have something to do with frequent urination???!

Anyone else up all night weeing!

Jayne xx

04-03-12, 10:26
Morning Jay,

Anxiety can and does manifest in some strange places, for you its urination. Everyone can probably relate to that feeling of being nervous and going to the toilet a thousand times before they go out to face whatever. I know i can!

I often wake in the night to pee, sometimes once, sometimes it rediculous and i am up 3-4 times and not just dribbles, full blown pees :O sorry for too much info there lol. Other times i feel like i did when i was heavily preggers, convinced i need a wee, get in the toilet and nothing, or a tiny dribble comes out, then ten mins later, the same thing.

You say you have been tested and had scans and what not, i take it they came back clear?

If so, i would put it down to good old anxiety. ... if your body wants to wee every 5 mins then let it, worrying about it isnt going to make it stop so you may as well just accept it, like everything esle connected to anxiety, worry=it happens more- let it be there, accept=it becomes less important and in time goes away. x

04-03-12, 10:34
Thank you :) sometimes all it takes for me to feel a bit better is a nice post like yours, it makes me feel like I'm not going mental, yeah all tests and scans normal so I guess your right it's hood old anxiety, wish I didn't have HA
Jayne x

04-03-12, 10:45
Needing to pee a lot is actually very common Jay for anxious people, even for people who arent sufferers of anxiety daily, they will still find themselves in the toilet a hundred times before a job interview or dentist appointment or a big day ahead like a wedding and so on.. the only difference between them and you is that they put it down to being nervous about x,y,z and then move on from those thoughts. You and many other who are anxious people will become obsessed with the amount of peeing you're doing and worry and think about it and worry some more and think about it constantly. So even when you dont feel particularly anxious you are still in the toilet and then you wonder if it even is anxiety related. The thing is you have inwardly worried and thought about this toilet thing 24-7 whether consciously or not, its almost like being brain washed by ourselves. If you want to break the cycle you have to let it be, dont try to investigate why ( you have been checked by the docs already) if you pee a thousand times then so what! Thats the attitude you need to work towards Jay.When it no longer matters how many toilet trips you take, thats when it will settle down x

04-03-12, 11:04
Thank you :) very true Im sure I'll get through this eventually and will try your advise
Very helfull thanks again
Jayne x