View Full Version : Feel like it's not me talking/ really self aware?

04-03-12, 14:27
I feel dead self aware when I speak and I really babble on and say stuff I don't mean too because I'm so focused on this feeling :doh: like my gran was speaking about someone going to the toilet and i was like ' having a poo?' without thinking....:unsure:

I feel like everyone knows im anxious and is thinking ' oh she doesn't seem with it'

Is this even normal? I feel like I'm drunk!! Does any one else experience this type of anxitey? It's making me not want to speak because I feel like what the hell am I saying? x

04-03-12, 14:45
Dont be thinking what otheir people are thinking about you, they see you as a person. Smile and be happy, think nice thoughts. :)

04-03-12, 19:43
thats the thing with anxiety. ive heard it from other people as well and i have it, that i worry that others are noticing my anxiety, and every time i even breathe deeply out it feels like everyone was paying attention to it and my breathing and that every one is focusing their attention on me. what i think to myself to help is that im not paying attention to everything and every movement of someone else in the room, im more thinking about myself and my own issues, so cause of the fact that i dont , i tell myself no one is paying that much attention to me and noticing every breath out i take. hope it helps

04-03-12, 21:27
Ahh I think it's dispersonzalation (sp) as it comes on when highly anxious I just need to remind myself it's anxitey nothing else.. x

04-03-12, 22:24
yep anxiety at its best and its evil ways , my wife looks at me sometimes and says what planet are you on ....... :)