View Full Version : Is there such a thing as feeling RUNDOWN?

04-03-12, 17:29
This is a strange question but, Is there such a thing as feeling RUNDOWN?

I have had a stressfull few day a doctors appointment on wednesday for some meds and he refused to give me them as they ""cost to much"".

I ma on the meds but my local hospital gave them to me, So this has lead to me feeling let down by the doctors and feeling stress.
Has increased my temper and my feeling of anxiety, to top it of i did a little diy for my dad on friday and hurt my chest (a reoccuring thing) which had me worrying I was going to have a heart attack ( I should know better) but my wife had to cancel a meal she was having with friends to look after me.

But today i feel rottern every limb is aching my legs feel like lead weights my head feels like it is on fire & my skin feels like it sunburnt in places.
Also have a temp of just over 100f.

I did not sleep well last nite but i dont feel like i am getting a cold or flu.

So is there such a thing as BEING RUNDOWN / FEELING RANDOWN:wacko:

04-03-12, 17:56
Definately such a thing as feeling rundown! Usually when people are tired, achey, exhausted and feeling a bit under the whether, it can be described as "feeling rundown". You may be coming down with one of the many annoying bugs that are around at the moment, but doing DIY can also cause achiness in the following days if you're not used to it. Hope you feel better soon

04-03-12, 18:05
After one of my panic episodes lasting at least a few weeks...I became very rundown and even got tonsilitis....
insomnia which usually comes with PA,s and anxiety will most certainly make you feel rundown eventually.Lots of rest and good quality sleep is the key......Ive been sleeping loads lately and can see light at the end of the tunnel......your mind needs to heal.
try not to do too much.....give yourself a break

04-03-12, 19:03
Thank you Darwin73 & Sickandtired, What you have both said make sense.

It just strikes as strange how people can have symptoms that are made from the mind ( Psychosomatic ) and show signs of something that sometimes never go any futher.

You both have answered my question and given me good advice.