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04-03-12, 17:43
I don't seem to be having any luck this weekend. I'm feeling down & Worrying about things, my brain just won't switch off. Anyone else feeling like this? :(

04-03-12, 17:45
Hi RebeccaFrith

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

04-03-12, 17:51
Hello rebecca. Honestly i have been like that for the last few of nights. Sleep pattern is crap at the moment. Weather changing from warmish to freezing every other day. So maybe that could be a bit of my problem, maybe yours aswell?

Darren :)

04-03-12, 17:53
Yeah when it's sunny it cheers me up! but when it's miserble like this makes me feel abit low. My sleep pattern is ok i can sleep for days lol

Rebecca :D

04-03-12, 18:01
at least you're one nil up on me then lol

Darren :)

04-03-12, 19:08
My sleep is also bad at the moment, cant seem to sleep for long before im awake turning from one side to the other!

04-03-12, 20:16
I'm on trazadone tablets which help me sleep :). I take 2 before bedtime.