View Full Version : Med & herbal interaction

04-03-12, 17:59
I really need to know. I take Xanax which I NEED to take. It helps me. I NEEDTO KNOW if I can take either passion flower or lemon balm, both herbs with calming effects WITH XANAX. Not necessarily at same time, in same day. Has ANYONE EVER mixed these things? Is it safe? I typed in similar post few days ago & got no response. Can someone please advise me. I'm getting mixed msgs from Internet research which is confusing. Need response AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Thank You!

04-03-12, 18:15
The advice I believe would be not to. From http://www.compassionateacupuncture.com/herb%20drug_interactions.htm

Anti-anxiety drugs (Benzodiazepines) (E.g., Xanax, BuSpar, Librium, Tranxene, Valium, Paxipam)
v Grapefruit juice slows the body’s normal breakdown of benzodiazepines, allowing them to build up to potentially dangerous levels in the blood. Therefore avoid grapefruit juice altogether if taking benzodiazepines. (LSR)
v Kava combined with alprazolam resulted in one case of a man being hospitalized for lethargy and disorientation. Experimental studies suggest that kava exerts is sedative effects similarly to benzodiazepines therefore combining kava with benzodiazepine drugs could result in “add-on” or excessive physical depression, sedation and impairment. Therefore avoid combining kava with benzodiazepines. (LSR)
v Melatonin may increase the anxiolytic effects of benzodiazepines; use together cautiously. (LSR)
v Ashwagandha, hops, lemon balm, passionflower, skullcap and valerian and other herbs with sedative effects might cause problems when combined with benzodiazepines. Avoid combining these herbs with benzodiazepines for this reason. (LSR)

one of us

04-03-12, 19:12
Than You for your response to my query. You mentioned that lemon balm & passion flower combined with Xanax may cause problems. Can you tell me specifically what problems? Also does the amount of Xanax & either of these two substances play a role in whatever side effects there would be. I only take a mg & a half daily of Xanax. I wouldn't be taking the two things at same time. Does that reduce chance of problems? I would really like to know as soon as you could answer. Thank You.

04-03-12, 19:49
Form my understanding taking the two in combination may increase the sedating effect.

Scientifically, Alprazolam (Xanax) is primarily metabolised via CYP3A4. Combining CYP3A4 inhibitors, such as Lemon Balm, with alprazolam can lead to profound sedating effects as the rate that the Alprazolam is metabolised and removed from the system will be reduced.

Taking the two at different times is unlikely to remove the danger of over sedation, and would not be advisable.

one of us

04-03-12, 22:18
OK, you see what I'm actually seeking is something like muscle relaxer. The Xanax helps me to relax but I need something A LITTLE STRONGER because my stress level is much too high. I am living in a VERY stressful environment & need to do something about it. I cannot move from where I am right now, but am on waiting lists for reduced cost apts, but waiting lists are lengthy. Is there ANY NATURAL substance Ican safely take to relieve my stress levels ? I VERY MUCH NEED A SOLUTION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Thank You.

---------- Post added at 17:18 ---------- Previous post was at 17:16 ----------

I meant natural substance WITH Xanax .