View Full Version : Liver problems??

04-03-12, 19:00
Hi guys for the last 2 months i have been experiencing abdominal pain i was in a panic that it may be all my nights out catching up with my liver years ago i had slightly high Bilirubin levels in a blood test in jan i got a blood test which came back completely normal i was wondering if i had drank the night before the original test would that have made it high?? Sort of in a panic cause i had a night out last night the first in 2 months

05-03-12, 21:30
Mate , if your blood test was ok in January one night on the pop won,t knacker your liver up !

2 enzymes were raised when i had a test 2 weeks ago , i was told no need to stop drinking but cut down and have 3 nights off on the run a week .

I,ve done really well (for me) and just have a few on Friday / Saturday and then none in the week .
Got to go back in 3 months .