View Full Version : My first meet, please read it is great!

04-03-12, 20:42
I said I would write a little about attending my first meet in the hope it helps some people who might have reservations, so here goes.

I have had anxiety since Christmas day 2007, will never forget the day, and at times I have been house bound, but recently I managed to get off all my medication and have a great week med free. The following week little bits of anxiety kicked in, followed by a day of panic attacks on and off followed by a few days of pure hell where i drunk too much until I got a repeat prescription from the doctor.

Now I am coping allot better back on the med's and stumbled across the No More Panic website by chance. I saw the Kent meet in Tunbridge Wells and immediately showed an interest although I had reservations.

No pressure was put on me to attend when I showed an interest, but I was made to feel most welcome should I come, I was also told that if I was having a bad day and didn't make it, that was also OK.

My main concern was that a group of people with anxiety would look mighty strange sat in a pub, and I also didn't know if it would be healthy for me on my fight for recovery. Luckily I had the doctors before the meet and my mind was put at rest, I was told that it would probably help to know I am not the only one suffering like I do and although getting there would present its own challenges, its a healthy challenge.

Well I don't like public transport so got a lift, don't much like cars at the moment ether but I couldn't go all that way on foot, so I got dropped off outside Tunbridge wells high street and started to look for the pub. Peter Cox text'd me and said that he was in a booth at the back of the pub and there was a grey cap on the table so I knew which table to sit at.

I found the table and I think the biggest shock to me was it looked like every other table in the pub, I don't know what I expected as none of us have two heads, but it was really reassuring to know we didn't stick out, and more reassuring that I probably fitted in to the mix and my anxiety was not such a visual thing like I had assumed.

Now came the part where I wanted to suss people out, make sure I was made to feel welcome and run if I felt uncomfortable, but in moments it felt normal, I was made to feel welcome, my questions were answered and I learnt that rather than being some freak of nature, I was one of many people suffering with the same issues. We all had our little quirks that we talked about, but that was fine too.

Three hours flew by, before I knew it six o'clock had come and gone, we hadn't stopped talking, not just about our issues, other stuff like cooking shows we liked was talked about, and some boring talk about football, but that passed quick enough, lol.

Now I am really looking forward to the next meet, in my CBT I was always told to challenge myself, and attending the meet was the most worth while challenge I had done without a shadow of doubt.

So if you are thinking about attending your first meet like I was only yesterday, I would say push yourself to do it, no one will mind if you decide to leave after 2 minutes if it is not right for you, no one will judge you either, it really is like therapy to spend time with people who are genuinely nice and genuinely understand what you are going through.

04-03-12, 20:51
that was lovely to read and well done you for going....it is reassuring to know youre not some freak show and that ..."there are many of us!"
I might enquire about a meet up group near me....though not too near,lol

04-03-12, 20:54
lol, its a great feeling, its one thing being on the web but actually meeting other sufferers was brilliant for me, I really think it helped. Plus, it was great fun and the people were nice, not judgmental or clicky, properly nice.

04-03-12, 22:23
glad u enjoyed your day good on you for going x

04-03-12, 22:25
yup, have another one at the end of the month. I cant wait. I might try to drive myself to that one.

04-03-12, 22:28
congratulations and pleased to hear it went well for you , sadly Im 400 miles away or I would have took a pop in to the next one :)

05-03-12, 11:44
It is worth seeing if there is a meet near you bignik, I'm sure they are all very helpful in showing us we are not alone in what we are troubled with.

05-03-12, 18:24
I'm pleased it went well for you Recsense :)

05-03-12, 18:37
It is worth seeing if there is a meet near you bignik, I'm sure they are all very helpful in showing us we are not alone in what we are troubled with.

oh if I shared my problems it may help ease my anxiety , but Im sure everyone else would be worse off LOL :weep:

eight days a week
05-03-12, 18:38
As I've said elsewhere, brilliant write-up mate, and it's such a huge reward to hear that you found the group was welcoming and so helpful for you :D

05-03-12, 18:51
Oh wow, how lovely for you to go along and enjoy it so much :D thats a real encouragement, if im feeling brave, i may find out if theres a group near me. im brand new to this site, and i think its really brave of you to venture out like that. :yesyes:

05-03-12, 19:09
at the top of the forum you will find meets in your area, its so liberating knowing your one of many many people. I am sure everyone would find it beneficial even if it was hard to attend. :-)

05-03-12, 19:09
Great news. pleased for ya, treat yourself to something nice, stay positive.:yesyes:

05-03-12, 21:56
LOL, I just spent over £300 online clothes shopping, had the same thought.