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View Full Version : sick of pannic attacs

05-03-12, 00:06
hi my name is nicola. im 28 and have two beautiful daughters. i had my first panic attac when i was 15, and i am still suffering.....over the past 3months they have gotten increasingly worse. i have stoped going to friends even for a cup of coffee because im so scared of having an attac. im scared that soon i wont be able to leave the house. i cant go to family meals even with my close family. i cant even walk through a pub door, or cinama. my life and all i do is spoilt by this stupid dissorder. this is compleatly ruining my life!!!!!

05-03-12, 00:08
Hi nicoladalby

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

05-03-12, 00:28
:welcome: Hi I dont suffer panic attacts although I have had them. They are awfull but I found claire weeks book self help for your nerves was brill and also this thread she talks to you about panic attacks you may find it helps you.


Cathy xx

05-03-12, 00:37
Hi Nicola welcome to NMP. Read some of the pages on the left they may help you understand what you are going through.

I too suffer from panic attacks, they are horrible. Try to ride them out they wont harm you. I know easier said than done. Dont give into them or let them beat you. I know its hard and frightening.

Hope you find advice and friends on here. :hugs:

05-03-12, 20:05
hi my name is nicola. im 28 and have two beautiful daughters. i had my first panic attac when i was 15, and i am still suffering.....over the past 3months they have gotten increasingly worse. i have stoped going to friends even for a cup of coffee because im so scared of having an attac. im scared that soon i wont be able to leave the house. i cant go to family meals even with my close family. i cant even walk through a pub door, or cinama. my life and all i do is spoilt by this stupid dissorder. this is compleatly ruining my life!!!!!

Hi Nicola,

Please don't think me rude and pushy but I beg you to try your hardest and fight and face the panic now before the situation gets worse.

This is my biggest regret that I didn't do the same. I ran from every social situation and then avoided them all together as I was so scared of having a panic attack in front of people. I am now agoraphobic and do not leave the house at all and do not let anyone, except the Doctor in emegencies and CPN, come into my home. I wish I could turn back the clock as the fight I have on my hands would be alot easier than what I have now.

I wish you well and hope that you can beat this horrible condition. You have my total sympathy and understanding about how you are feeling but please try and fight.

Take care and good luck

05-03-12, 20:21
Bernie,s right hun
I stayed in more and more and then had a week of constant panic attacks....too scared to even go to my best friends house (ive known her for 27 years)
but i made myself go.....told myself..if i have a panic attack ....so be it.....just breath slowly,it will be over soon....I was clinging onto the back door handle in tears coz I was sooo scared,went back in the house took my coat off sat down crying......put my coat back on,went out the door again,clung for dear life onto the handle.......and just slowly relaxed and told myself how lovely my friend was and if I did have an attack,she wouldnt laugh at me,she would be genuinely concerned....
I really pushed myself to get in the car and just go......
it was very very hard,but it wasnt as bad as I thought......when i arrived I didnt panic,just had some flutterings in my heart and remembered to breath......
I ended up pouring my heart out and telling her what Id been going through for such a long long time....
she begged me to get help,she knew this wasnt the real me.....knew i was suffering
Ive been to the doctors and been referred to a PWP and Im awaiting cbt and also taking SSRI,s for the crippling depression panic brings
the PA,s have stopped for now and Im slowly getting my life back on track..... Im confident that in future ,if I have an attack......I will survive....it wont get the better of me....i will cope
please go and see your doctor,dont suffer in silence xxx

05-03-12, 20:24
Hi Nicola,

A big, warm :welcome: to NMP

Pip xx