View Full Version : Can't Take Anxiety Anymore!

Day-V Anne
05-03-12, 02:45
I am 35 and have had attacks and general anxiety since I was a child. Each year they continue on, some times much worse than others. I refrain from lots of activities because of the disorder. I am on several psyche meds, 3 of which are specific to the anxiety. I am getting worse again, and had yet another bad one today. I feel that honestly I can't go on another 35 years like this. Life is absolute hell. I am crippled by this. I would rather miss a limb than have this. I am not seeing any light at the end of the tunnel, so someone please help!!:weep:

05-03-12, 02:47
Hi Day-V Anne

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

05-03-12, 04:27
welcome to nmp :)

Day-V Anne
05-03-12, 06:34
Thanks Jessica!!! :) I hope to find some peace here!!!

05-03-12, 07:36
Hi there and a big, warm :welcome:

I know you'll find lots of people here who share your experiences and that you'll also be able to give a lot to others.

Take care and keep posting


05-03-12, 14:19
Im similar to you , everyday I have anxiety , from the moment I awake until I go to sleep at night. Im on medication and having CBT at the moment and it seems its all related to three traumas in my liftime over the last 23 years. The traumas were of a very serious nature and I had coped up until last year when I lost the family business , I now find myself constantly thinking of the past , not intentionally , they just keep coming up and up and I relive them daily.

I suffer from agitated depression and acute stress disorder and its tough, I cant remember the last time I felt normal , but with the help of CBT it seems to be helping a little each time I have a session I just look forward to the day when I can give my wife and kids a cuddle again instead of this emotionless state and constant anxiety I find my self in.

Its tough I know and I can associate how you must be feeling but we cant let it beat us, so try keep your chin up.

and welsome to the forum , you will find lots of nice and helpful people

06-03-12, 08:28
Hi. At the moment I feel very anxious and am having panic attacks. Sometimes I can control them by breathing slowly and counting, singing random words, try and relax my body. At the moment cos they are not too good I have someone with me who tells me what to do. Is there some one who can be with you to give you strength when you are feeling less strong