View Full Version : Headaches Once Again

05-03-12, 09:11
Now after 6 trips to Dr, seen all different GPs, a trip to A and E. I have been reassured its nothing but anxiety but got another headache today. Its forehead pressure since I woke up. It also hurts when I lay down on my forehead. It comes and goes. I have had it nearly 4 week. My right earaches as well. Feel quite down today as last thursday and friday I felt alot happier but today my head is getting me down once again. My shoulders and neck are sore as well.

05-03-12, 09:18
Hi there,

Take as much reassurance as you can from what doctors have told you - it's nothing serious physically, just anxiety fooling you into thinking it is.

The symptoms you describe are classic anxiety and the more you worry about it, the worse it will get. As hard as it is, you need to try and break the vicious circle and believe what the doctors have told you. Once you've conquered that, you'll find your headache magically disappearing.

I've been there and I know how difficult it is but you can do it!

Take care

Pip xx

05-03-12, 09:37
Hi Pip, I am taking your advice on board. I have had a headache now for nearly 4 weeks, much likes Jakesmummy symptoms have a loyalty card at the doctors and they assure me it is tension headaches. I dont wake up with them but within an hour it starts, sore neck, tight painful band around forehead, feels like my head is in a vice. Keep thinking I need a CT scan or something and constantly seeking re-assurance but the doctors say its Tension. HA sucks!

05-03-12, 11:28
Do you clench or grind your teeth at night? I had all the same symptoms a few years back and it turns out I have TMJD which is a jaw disorder from clenching my teeth at night. It can cause daily headaches, pain around the eyes and ears, sore and painful neck and shoulders and much more.

05-03-12, 11:37
Hi Jakes Mummy,

I get tension headaches a lot. They come from my back, shoulders and neck pain.

I had one most of last week and painkillers did nothing. I got a half price massage to relieve the tension in my neck and shoulders and my headache is gone.

This happens to me regularly, if I don't get a massage every 4-6 weeks I get a tension headached which doesn't go away until I've had my massage. Nice and relaxing too! :)


05-03-12, 11:41
I do find I clench my teeth, notice it when I am trying to relax. Not sure about teeth grinding though. Massage sounds like a good idea, tbh I will try anything at the moment as 4 weeks with a headache is getting me down. Im going to look up massage now in my area. Sorry dont mean to hijack JakesMummy post.

05-03-12, 13:19
Hi there,

I had a headache for about 3 months a couple of years ago when I was preparing to move house. Very similar symptoms to you. Miraculously, it disappeared within a week of moving. It will go if you believe it's caused by anxiety. The hard part is making yourself believe it.

Take care

Pip xxx

05-03-12, 13:49
I do find I clench my teeth, notice it when I am trying to relax. Not sure about teeth grinding though. Massage sounds like a good idea, tbh I will try anything at the moment as 4 weeks with a headache is getting me down. Im going to look up massage now in my area. Sorry dont mean to hijack JakesMummy post.

Try using websites like "ITISON" "GROUPON", "KGB DEALS" for special offers in your area. :)