View Full Version : Morning headaches

05-03-12, 10:11
Recently in the morning after waking up in error been getting dull headaches in the right side of my head. And on my temple. They tend to go away and Googled it and you can guess what it said!

05-03-12, 18:57
It said brain tumour right? :P I get 'em every morning, every night too!

05-03-12, 19:00
its tension ...... try some relaxation if you can :)

and ............. dont google it will drive you insane LOL

06-03-12, 20:26
I am having the same thing only I also start with a headache when i lay down at night. I have a low grade headache all day that feels much worse once I lay down. My head feels like there is so much pressure in it. As soon as I wake up in the morning it is still there - it gets a little better once I am up and about but its still there. 5 days now. worried. seeing the doctor tomorrow.

07-03-12, 14:18
I get headaches based on how I sleep. Try a new pillow, one that is supportive. Maybe memory foam or a latex pillow.