View Full Version : stupid things!!

25-06-06, 04:25
Well yet again i have been woken up by a panic attack.
Im feelin all shaky an surreal, cant get back to sleep now coz everytime i lie down it starts ago.
My eyes are hurting my body is drained but i still got to fight these its so unfair!!!!!
Had the worst few weeks for a long time! Dont know what to do, i know many are in the same boat, just really getting to me at the moment im exhausted from feeling this way not even getting a rest from it as im still panicking in my sleep! Just want to scream.


25-06-06, 04:42

I'm so sorry you are going through such a rough time of it. Try to think of what has happened in the last few weeks of what you think might have brought this on and maybe if you realize what that is it might help. When my anxiety acts up it is usually for a reason and I try to analyze why. I don't know if this helps. I'm always here if you want to talk.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

25-06-06, 09:14
Hi Stace, I am really sorry you are having such a rough time at the moment and I hope that things start to settle down very soon for you.

Take care



25-06-06, 09:25

Sorry to hear you are having a hard time with the anxiety, have you tried relaxation cd's before you go to bed or a relaxing soak in the bath?
Just remember this is a blip on your road to recovery and it will pass.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

25-06-06, 12:16
Hi Stace sorry your feeling so bad hun. i know it's been rough these past few weeks but it will get better. As trace says it's just a blip. warm milky drinks and relaxing music help me, also lavendar oil to aid relaxation.

Take care

'This too will pass'

25-06-06, 12:23
Thanks for your replies just wrote on here as I didnt know what else to do!
Believe me i have tried everything when it happens i just have to ride it out, but after nearly 3 weeks of it im just getting frustrated now!
Thanks for the support. xx


emma chant
25-06-06, 13:31
Sorry to hear you've had a rough time.Have you tried going 4 a walk or,
breathing in slowly 10 times.
love and support.xx

e chant

25-06-06, 13:39
Hi Stace, how are you feeling now hun?

Take care



25-06-06, 13:43

sorry to hear you are having a bad time. heres me going on to you about all my problems.

stace you are a positive person and dont ever forget it. you have helped me tremendously with your support over the past few weeks and if you are feeling down just let me know or PM me any time.

keep your chin up hun

take care

Ruth x x x

25-06-06, 13:58

When you wake up feeling like that try to ride it out as you say you do.

Just lay in bed quietly and tell yourself that it cannot harm you, it is just panic, slow the breathing down by breathing in slowly through the nose and then out through the mouth.

Another thing that may help is to have something small to eat or drink. Something like a banana is very good first thing in the morning. Don't eat the whole thing but cut a small piece off and try that.

Hope you feel better soon.


26-06-06, 19:48
Thank you for the support.
Im getting there just a rough patch at the min.
