View Full Version : One size doesn't fit all !

05-03-12, 15:01

I am being told by someone who used to have anxiety that he never had medication, he read a book and was cured, that and he done yoga, he is telling me to stop my meds that I just started after a relapse, he said he can tell by looking at me i am heavily sedated and its making me conscious.

Im going to leave work now, but I struggle to read due to dyslexia and dyspraxia, I am sure this won't work for me but he is making me wait in my office before I go home while he prints it off for me.

How do you tell someone politely to back off and leave you alone as you want to deal with it between you and your doctor.

This is insane, he won't let me leave and I am getting agitated, its going to set off a panic attack and I have to drive home.

05-03-12, 15:14
what cures one doesnt cure all , everyone is different , different problems , its like those that say just pull yourself together , anxiety affects different people at different levels , his anxiety might just be a little flutter for a second or two , not hours upon hours of it , agitation , mind racing , full blown panic attacks etc etc .. you stick to you guns which you feel best suits you and helps you to cope, but thank him for his concerns also

first rule of anxiety is the ability to say no when you mean no , not yes to please others

05-03-12, 15:22
Oh! I hate these "know it alls". Some people just can't "be told".

If it's causing you anxiety at the moment then I suggest you just smile, nod your head in agreement and then IGNORE him!

Once you're feeling a bit better you can thank him for his "input", it was very interesting blah blah blah but you're going to do it YOUR way.

Good Luck.:)

05-03-12, 15:24
How do you tell someone politely to back off and leave you alone as you want to deal with it between you and your doctor.

That sounds very pushy, making you wait before you can go home, honestly !

I think you say exactly what you have written here ' we are all individuals, what works for one doesn't work for somebody else. I appreciate that you care, and I thank you for your attention and kindness, but I want to deal with this my own way with the advice of my doctor'.

05-03-12, 15:38
If it's causing you anxiety at the moment then I suggest you just smile, nod your head in agreement and then IGNORE him!

although I agree with that approach and it is what I would do, I feel compelled to politely warn that this might not be good for the drive home, because when I do exactly that, I get SO wound up and uptight and tense that I stop breathing and can't see straight. Or I end up crying so much I can't see anyway! gosh it makes me angry that people treat you like that. :mad:

05-03-12, 15:46
i waited and took the piles of paper he printed, said thanks but i must go and came home. thanks to all of you was just having a bit of a wobble, i didnt feel out of it, i only took half my daily dose of diazepan as well, so I dont know where he got that from. Maybe I am acting a bit odd as my medicines are just kicking back in, who knows, but i got away and im now home with some music on to chill and the dogs on my lap, a much nicer place, cheers to everyone for your encouragement.

05-03-12, 19:26
I'm sure you're not acting "odd".

Glad you've put it behind you and are nice and relaxed now. :)

---------- Post added at 19:26 ---------- Previous post was at 19:24 ----------

although I agree with that approach and it is what I would do, I feel compelled to politely warn that this might not be good for the drive home, because when I do exactly that, I get SO wound up and uptight and tense that I stop breathing and can't see straight. Or I end up crying so much I can't see anyway! gosh it makes me angry that people treat you like that. :mad:

Yeah, I know what you mean.

Also, can you please tell me how to quote just part of a post (like you just did) and not all?

Thanks. :)

05-03-12, 19:39
Keep calm, you wont have a panic attack, you are only thinking you will, think nice thoughts or distract yourself. sing along to music on your drive home, think positive.
And remember this person is trying to help you. good luck, STAY POSITIVE :D

05-03-12, 21:55
cheers, am not to bad this evening, didnt take any more diazepan, and feel a little odd, but i can manage with this. :)

06-03-12, 05:55
Also, can you please tell me how to quote just part of a post (like you just did) and not all?
easy! just press the quote button and then when the box appears for you to type in the quote should appear and then you can just delete the bits you don't want to repeat...:)

06-03-12, 06:32
I think sometimes people just get a bit over enthusiastic, lets not forget that no matter how it was delivered he was trying to help at the end of the day so his motive was a good one and he shouldn't be berated for it. I've been the same in the past after quitting smoking i thought i was some kind of anti smoking guru and tried to get everyone to quit! There wasn't a single negative behind it, i Just wanted to share my experience and hopefully help other people. Anxiety is a horrible thing to contend with, if he found something that freed him from it then no wonder he would enthusiastically want to help someone in the same way :)

06-03-12, 06:51
I agree Connor. Sometimes in our enthusiasm to help, we're sometimes not as sensitive to others' feelings as we could be. It can be very irritating though!

Pip x

06-03-12, 07:57
Who is this person who is telling you to stop your meds?

06-03-12, 08:08
See below article;


06-03-12, 09:28
I think the problem is that some people think that just taking anti depressants will cure them and they don't have to change any other aspect of their lives when this is not the case.

I know its a very complex issue, but there are certain things that reduce anxiety/depression such as exercise of any form and being around animals.

That said I know how difficult it can be for someone who is ill to have any motivation to do any of these things. By the way I am on medication but also do exercise and also have a dog and some chickens. I do think that you need more than just medication to really try to beat anxiety and depression.

06-03-12, 11:41
I go to the cinema, I go out to eat, I drive, I run my own business, I go into the office I rent 3 times a week, I do my shopping at the supermarket most of the time, I walk my dogs daily and have a personal trainer two or three times a week. I am not assuming the meds will do all the work. My life is one big PUSH. I know I have to do the things I have begun to fear time and time again.

If he was able to read a book and feel normal then bully for him, yes I know it was him trying to help, but I was wanting to leave the office as I was feeling anxious, he comes in to my office, tells me I look off my face, stop taking my meds, not to go home and 1 book will help solve all my problems.

Maybe he had some mild anxiety, maybe he was very head strong, or maybe he was just a bit stressed. I dont claim to have the worst anxiety, I have met people on here who are totally house bound, but to assume a book will cure all my ill's is rediclious.

I agree with the sentiment connor and I agree that the meds wont do all the work, but I sounded of with this post as I was feeling really bad, I am again this morning, and the only way a book is going to help is if it is on how to mix a large long island ice tea.

I also have dyspraxia which is a neurological issue where my brain is not wired up like other peoples, it effects me with my comprehension, I take a literal sense in things and therefore am classed as being overly sensitive. It also meens that to read a book I have to read a large number of the sentences over and over again, and then read the paragraph again if i cant make sense of it and then I often get to the end of the page not understanding what I have just read.

He was aware of this, the book is unpublished and free to download apparently as I did say I would give it a go if I could get it on audio, Im not thick, I just struggle with some things others might not even have to think about, alot of people with dyspraxia suffer with anxiety, I did put a post to see if anyone else had neurological dissorders on here but seems like no one that has has read it.

He is not a bad person, I apreciate the fact he was trying to help, he has just got some messed up idea of what is helpfull. I had a terrible evening after that.

06-03-12, 13:21
I think it's really irresponsbile, and potentially dangerous to tell anybody to stop taking meds that they have been prescribed by a doctor.


---------- Post added at 13:11 ---------- Previous post was at 13:10 ----------

easy! just press the quote button and then when the box appears for you to type in the quote should appear and then you can just delete the bits you don't want to repeat...:)

Ah right! Thanks for your help. :)

---------- Post added at 13:21 ---------- Previous post was at 13:11 ----------

See below article;


As this article states "only those who are were extremely depressed faired better on anti-depressants", it's the degree of depression/anxiety you are suffering.

The difference between being depressed/anxious due to an "outside factor" i.e. bereavement, divorce, loss of job. These things are very upsetting for anyone and most people would suffer a degree of depression/anxiety whilst/after experiencing tragic life events. But what about the people who get depressed/anxious for no apparent reason at all? When the doctors tell you you're illness is due to a "chemical imbalance" in the brain, then surely it is better to take medication to correct this? This doesn't mean you can't exercise, try psychology etc. AS well.

For some people, anti-depressants have quite literally saved their lives.


06-03-12, 19:25
I agree, its because I stopped too soon before that I relapsed.

06-03-12, 19:58
Well good luck on your road to recovery again. I'm sure you'll be feeling better soon. :)

06-03-12, 20:03
Cheers Haz. Im feeling really positive that I know what went wrong last lime and I can stop it from going wrong this time.