View Full Version : i told myself never again!

25-06-06, 04:52
but i still do. I am having the worse panick attack caused by 2 days of heavy drinking. I am so stupid, i know alcohol makes my anxiety 10 times worse, but i still binge drink on the weekends cause of stressfull work. I am also 19, so everywhere i go all of my friends are drinking. But right now i cant catch my breathe, i am having the most negative thoughts, i am so uncomforatable and cant relax or calm down. I hate this soo much, but i keep doing it !:( I know ill get through this, i always do. But its just so scary and uncomfortable. I wish i could overcome my anxietes and addictions, but its such a hard battle. Alcohol makes me feel so good and loose and carefree, but the after effects make it not even worth it. Anyways i jsut had to type out my emotions cause i have no one to talk to tonight. Hope everyone is doing a little better then me :)

25-06-06, 05:15

I am sorry you are panicking due to drinking. As you know what has caused your attack I would try to stay away from the alcohol as the fun doesn't last for long and the end result is probably not worth it. If your friends don't understand maybe you can find friends who don't drink as much. I know it will be difficult but it might just be worth it. I do hope you feel better soon.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

25-06-06, 09:12
Hi Pete, I hope that you have calmed down your panic attack by now. I agree with Bel, could you not friend friends who don't drink so much.
Hope you feel better soon

Take care



emma chant
25-06-06, 13:36
HI PETE if i was you i would try stay of that alcohol because,as you know it's not helping you.
love xxx

e chant

25-06-06, 14:01

We all do it don't we? To lessen the effects then try to drink loads of water before you go to bed and have an alcoholic drink then a soft drink etc over the course of the evening when drinking.

Also get some fruit juice to drink now and make sure you eat something - nuts, fruit, seeds etc.

Hope you feel better soon.


25-06-06, 15:54
thanks everyone for the comments xoxo I ended up taking a klonopin and drinking alot of water, and eventually i passed out. Definetly staying off the booze for awhile now. take it easy everyone!!

april tones
25-06-06, 18:24
Hi pete!!
I have had that before! its shame isnt it! especially when young!
im 25 but dont drink much as have family
I went out last yr and had bad panic attaks, covinced myself id been druged! x

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com