View Full Version : Annoying anxiety..

25-06-06, 08:26
Well, this is long overdo and i need big help with it.... I always think something is wrong with me, the littliest bump, bruise, ache... i will turn it into worst case scenario... i dont really know how to deal with this, i didnt use to be like this until one morning i had my first panic attack and ever since then iv been frightened of dying.. like right now i got a sore throat and i have been having trouble with my eye and this little cyst under my ear.. so im thinking "well what if i have cancer and they just havent noticed it andim about to get sick and die" ... i have had 3-4 ct scans, everypiece of bloodwork, xrays, everything.. everything came back good... i dont understand this, why do i worry so much?

25-06-06, 10:05
my friend your not alone i have been going threw what your going threw over a year now and iam still here alive and breathing mine all started with one lab coming back a little abnormal in my liver fuction test then things went out the roof test after test doctor after doctor gi doctor after gi doctor my axiety over having liver dease put the toll on me i lost 35 pounds drove my family crazy thinking i was dying of liver dease are aids are hep a-b-c even when my tests for that was neg so i would move on to other things maby i have crohns dease maby my doctors are not finding it maby they are missing somthing are maby the test i did didnt find it are pick it up but all this axiety has now given me ibs and alot of other problems so dont try to worry about it it will make things worse and make your axiety and stress worse leave all that to your doctors to worry about it they are very smart people trust me they know iam just trying to help you from going down the road i went i almost lost everything to axiety and now i can sit and say not me never again!

25-06-06, 12:08
Hi you are definitely not on your own, there are so many of us exactly the same. It is a vicious circle, the nore you worry the worse your symptoms get, the worse you get the more you worry. The answer is to 'let go' but that is very hard. Try and relax, accept that anxiety can do all sorts to your body and just say, it's anxiety, that's all it is i'm not going to let it bother me and then focus on somethng else. i'm telling myself this too as I've had a bad week after a good one, but I don't want another bad one so i ave to do this too. just take comfort in the fact that it is quite common and you can recover and not stay like this forever. In fact, you've had a really good medical, just look at that positively. perhaps, write down the truths that were told you by the drs and then when the lies come into your thoughts read back the truth.

Take care

'This too will pass'

emma chant
25-06-06, 13:12
I feel just the same as you sometimes.

e chant

25-06-06, 13:37
hi Ju I am glad all the tests came back with good results.
Hope you start to feel better soon

Take care



25-06-06, 14:05
Try reading this post - it is quite funny but helpful as well..

