View Full Version : Melanoma :(

05-03-12, 22:02
Hi everyone,

I would really appreciate if you could help me out.
I have had this mole just below my shoulder for as long as I can remember. Then last year in July i noticed it had elevated and changed a bit so i went to the docs but he said it was ok and to come back if i notice any further changes.
Well i have noticed further changes...the little black dot that was in the middle of the mole last time seems to be getting bigger and i am aware that is a sign of melanoma. It is also kinda scaly, not symmetrical, and different colours. i.e red, brown. It also occasionaly itches but only very occasionaly.

Thing is I'm absolutely terrified its melanoma and that my summer holiday last year caused it to change more (note that the holiday was after docs appointment).

The only things that really comfort me are 1) Going to doctor again tomorrow 2) Its not bigger than a pencil eraser. Melanoma usually grows very fast doesn't it so there would be a noticable change in size now wouldnt there and there isn't so...
3) It is in a place where my bag goes every day. (shoulder bag) So it could be irritated from the bag rubbing against it perhaps? Also, i play the violin so the shoulder rest of my violin might be rubbing against it perhaps and irritated the mole?
4) Also, i have read in a couple of places that its normal for moles to change during adolescence (i am 15) but still - it looks really disgusting.

I have also been feeling quite tired recently and lacking appetite and i just read today (on Dr Google yes) that these could be signs that the melanoma has progressed in to a very serious stage.

I know I am going to the doctor tomorrow but I am just sooooo scared.
Of course, i have a thousand other HA fears but this is the main one as of now.

I'm terrified that i have not caught it early enough (seeing as it first changed last July) and it has spread!!!

Please help me :(

05-03-12, 22:22
I have never heard of anyone as young as you getting melanoma. EVen people who have been sunbed worshippers have been in their late 20's so your chances of it being melanoma must be so tiny.

If it is in an area that gets rubbed then it is best to get it removed anyway, I have had a couple removed that were under my bra strap when I was in my 20's.

You Gp may even be able to remove ti for you with minor surgery under local anaethetic if you ask as it could be a problem long term if your bag rubs it for years.

05-03-12, 22:54
Thanks for the advice countrygirl, its much appreciated.
I know I'm probabaly being silly thinking about it all the time but hey thats what HA does to us!

Hugs :hugs: