View Full Version : Tight throat! Driving me mad!

05-03-12, 22:38
Hello everyone, I tried not to come on these sites for the last few months as they make my anxiety go through the roof.

So about a week and 2 days ago I started getting a sore throat, Little things like going to speak and nothing coming out. Fast forward 5 days and my throat was so so painful, My left lymph node was up my ears where hurting and my throat and ears felt really conjested and everything was pointing to Tonsillitis. Now a week and 2 days into it my throat doesn't hurt my lymph node is still up, and my throat feels as though there is ALOT of mucus stuck in it, this morning I managed to bring some up and it was so so thick with a slight bit of blood which I assume is from having very sensitive vessels around that area that I've had since a little girl. Do I have an infection? or could it be something else? It really is driving me mad, Also I would normally go to the doctors BUT so so many people in the area I live in are poorly too so I know Its just going to be overrun and I probably wont be able to get an appointment anyway.

Any help would be so so much appreciated!

Thank you for your time!

08-03-12, 16:17
Hi ya, I have had exactly the same. Mine started about 4 weeks ago. Have been to docs who said it all looks ok, but recommended warm drinks. It is horrid and I worried it was something horrid! My throat did get better for a week but is now back feeling tight again! Horrid virus! Hope you get better soon.