View Full Version : anxiety does have its good sides.

cheryl foster
05-03-12, 23:09
im posting this thread for my new friend ELLIE who i recently got to know on the NMP forum. she has been through alot recently.. and has a real heart of gold.. i want her to be strong and know that shes not alone. myself and ellie have had a few chats via text and have been a good support to each other..all the best ellie!! my dedication to a new friend.. :hugs:

06-03-12, 08:07
Thankyou so much Cheryl you have been so lovely and helped me so much the past week, so glad we found each other on NMP. Always here for you too. Send you a massive hug:hugs: xx

cheryl foster
06-03-12, 11:45
your welcome.:hugs: