View Full Version : nervous about today

06-03-12, 07:07
Slept well last night but woke up around 6 and still feel really tired but my whole body is tense and fidgeting. The worse thing is the nausea. My hands and feet are sweating and I keep going hot and cold. I think it is the thought of getting to work (i was off yesterday) and feeling like this all day and needing to escape. I'm really scared. Can someone give me a pep talk! I'm so worried i'll have to go home sick and then this will start to happen everyday. X

06-03-12, 07:09
Hi rachael1

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

06-03-12, 07:11
Hi Rachael,

I always feel like this if I've been off. You'll be fine once your back at work in familiar surroundings with all your colleagues.

The anxious feeling will pass and you'll be back in the swing of things before you know it.

Cup of tea, deep breathe and off you go...

Good luck - you'll be fine :hugs:

Pip xx

06-03-12, 07:32
I just feel the citalopram hasn't helped at all and i'm considering going back to the dr's at lunch and seeing if theres anything else I can try? What do you think? X

06-03-12, 07:40

Take one day at a time. You feel awful now but will feel better later when you've been to work. You'll be able to consider it more clearly then.

Regarding your ADs - it depends how long you've been taking them. If it's 6-8 weeks and still no improvement, it's probably time to go back to your GP. If it's less than this, give them time. They can take a while to work.

Take care

Pip x

06-03-12, 07:48
Yeah I started on them in jan and still feel the same but they seemed to work for me in the past thats what I don't understand. I told my husband this morning for the first time that I wasn't doing too good and I can't stand to see the look on his face it makes me feel 10 times worse admitting it and seeing his worry. Its been 3 months since the anxiety started and I can't see a way out, which is so scary. Nothing seems to make me feel better accept when I go to bed at night. The anxiety is there whether i'm at home, at work, looking after my son, I just cant cope any more.

06-03-12, 07:54
good luck for today ,i bet i wont be as bad as u expect .:bighug1:ive been on citalopram since jan too , i dont think they are working either head is in the shed !!:weep: do u take diazepam or anything else ?x

06-03-12, 07:55
Anxiety is horrible, and we all think we are going crazy, as it feels so scary... but you are not going crazy... i rarely tell my hubby how im feeling, just put on a brave face mostly... i guess i dont want him worrying, when he has an important job to hold down thats stressful enough...he doesnt need to be worrying about me all day!
I currently dont work, finished December... its hard to be home all day, and its hard to be working too, you cant win!
Did you decide to go to work? works a good distraction from thinking all the time...but if you cant go, then see your GP and get signed off maybe? Only you know whats best for you right now though. xx

06-03-12, 07:56
Good luck for today!

06-03-12, 07:59

Aww honey, sorry you're feeling so bad. You're right to talk to your husband about it - I'm sure you've been there for him many times when he's needed you.

Some people say that meds can stop working and one they've had before doesn't work the second time. My advice: time to see your GP again and discuss your options. Different meds, therapy - they are different things to try. Ring up and book an appointment now. That will make you feel better straight away as you've taken some action.

Remember, you can cope. You've done it for this long and will feel better again soon. I've been there many times and I understand.

Take care

Pip :bighug1:

06-03-12, 13:23
Thanks for all your messages of support. X

06-03-12, 21:40
Hi Rachael

how did you go on today?

Have you got round to reading any of the CBT4PANIC yet :)

you seem to be focusing on all the 'what ifs' and 'i dont want to feel this way anymores' (not a criticism, but a helpful pointer, believe me I know what it's like)

so you're bound to be anxious really. You'll be able to identify that thought pattern soon enough though with the CBT

keep us updated! x