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View Full Version : Can you have a relapse while on citalopram?

06-03-12, 08:25
I started citalopram 4 weeks ago on 10mg and then 2 weeks ago on 20 mg. It calmed my pins and needles down and the twitching but then saturday night I had a slight panic attack and since then I have had pins and needles in my hands but not as bad as before citalopram and increase in twitching but again not as before the citalopram?

06-03-12, 08:36
Im not on meds, but get pins.needles all the time... i imagine its to do with adrenaline levels in the body, or just bad circulation!
Im not a fan of meds though im afraid, powerful drugs in your body that god know what theyre doing=see article below

06-03-12, 08:52
Hi there,

The meds can take up to 8 weeks to be fully effective and, at first, your anxiety can get worse. It's probably worth giving them a bit longer before going back to your GP.

Take care

Pip x

06-03-12, 09:16
Four weeks is nothing on citralapram , they are a great help but not a miracle cure , the longer i was on them the better i got and i feel like my old self again .
I think it was at least 6 weeks before i knew they were "starting" to work . I have a limited knowledge of meds but i get the impression some peeps give up on a certain type of med to quickly in desparation to feel better .
You have to use your time on them well and search other methods aswell to get you on the road to recovery .
You will get there mate but it does take time :hugs: