View Full Version : i wish this obsession with my wee would go!!!!!

06-03-12, 12:07
Almost a week now ive been crazy about what colour my wee should be... i am definately going into OCD territory. All because of the blood found on dipsticks...... arrrgh...
Woke up this morning and it was verging on orange (sorry tmi) (but i have a very light period) then my second wee was normal and light then the 3rd one was orange again.....

Now my question is, can my period contribute but only sometimes?, even tho its light? or is it blood from inside my wee bits...

Am really sick of this. supposed to have a sample sent to the lab but cant cuz of my period... so stressed and unhappy :(:weep:

06-03-12, 13:10
Hi pearl
I have wee OCD, not the colour really although I do check it every time, it's more the amount I go really, I was that bad I bought over 200 test strips, and got very very depressed with it, sometimes it would show blood, which your right can actually come from your period as can White cells as the skin area or discharge has White cells, sometimes showed protein, but my doctor said they are a bit over sensitive and can give false readings, when my doc told me this I stopped doing them ad it was making me ill, the wee should be yellowy coloured or straw coloured if it's a bit dark it's prob cause it's been in your bladder longer
Hope you get reassurance soon :)
Jayne x

06-03-12, 13:24
jayne ...
I recently brought wee strips.. they haven't been delivered yet .. but I'm starting to think its the wrong move.. as I'm already completely taken over by weeing... but u know what they... the more I think about it the more I need to go xx

06-03-12, 13:59
They are defo not a good idea, I went 10 times worse and was using about 10 a day, still feeling anxious but I won't ever buy them again as they can gie false results x

06-03-12, 14:12
I think I have replied to everyone on here at sometime about my lifellong invisible blood in urine:) due to being born with what they call leaky kidneys that means they work perfectly but just leak blood and things all the time.
So like me loads of people have this but its normal for them.

As for colour of wee. Overnight unless you have been knocking back glasses of water then your urine will concentrate and be deep yellow colour. True orange usually means tiny amounts of blood which would explain things if you are having a light period. With me the colour lightens as the day progresses and I become more hydrated. The perfect colour is straw coloured.

No no no to the dipsticks they are so unrleiable and over sensitive.
A urologist told me that the only time he is concerned is if someone has visible blood in their urine if under 50 years old , between 50-60 then they do cystoscopies for occult blood (dipstick positive) but it is almost unheard of for this to be caused by bladder cancer and nearly all bladder cancer is diagnosed in the over 60's.

HOpe this helps.

06-03-12, 14:32
thanks jayne and country girl x